We encourage and support students from underrepresented categories to apply to our programs.

Roadmap to Becoming a Teacher

Outlining the basic requirements for high school and community college students to enter the Stan State teacher credentialing programs.

High School Pathway.pdf

Community College Pathway.pdf

Credential Program Prerequisite Advising 

For credential program prerequisite and application information sessions

Multiple Subject Credential Program (MSCP) prerequisites

Single Subject Credential Program (SSCP) prerequisites

Education Specialist Credential Program (ESCP) prerequisites

MSCP, SSCP, & ESCP application and forms

Credential Services

Undergraduate Advising for Math and Science Teacher Preparation

Department/ Major Advisor Office Location Phone Email
Anthropology Dr. Richard Wallace B-237B (209)667-3228 rwallace@csustan.edu
Art (SMPP)** Dr. Robin A-037 (209)667-3432 rrobin@csustan.edu
Biological Science  Dr. Fleming N-261



Chemistry  Dr. Nhu-Y- Stessman  N-363



Child Development All Instructors C-231 (209)667-3386  
English (SMPP)** Dr. Foreman DBH-269 (209)664-6509 wforeman@csustan.edu
Gender Studies Dr. Eudey C-107 (209)664-6673 beudey@csustan.edu
Geology Dr. Ferriz N-158



History Dr. Weikart C-118E (209)667-3522 rweikart@csustan.edu
Kinesiology(SMPP)** Dr. Hall F-142 (209)667-3325 ehall@csustan.edu
Liberal Studies
Undergraduate Prep Program for Elementary (Multiple Subject) Candidates
All Ins DBH 300 (209)667-3749 Directory
Mathematics (SMPP)** Dr. Johannsdottir S-11



Music Dr. Kavasch M-3A (209)667-3422 dkavash@csustan.edu
Philosophy Dr. Winfree L-185K (209)664-6669 jwinfree@csustan.edu
Physics & Physical Sciences Department N-164



Psychology All Instructors C-231 (209)667-3386


Social Science (SMPP)** Dr. Ralph Becker C-102A (209)667-3037 rbecker@csustan.edu
Spanish (SMPP)** Dr. Bargetto-Andres DBH-243 (209)667-3789 tbandres@csustan.edu
Theater Dr. Mayer D-15A (209)667-3452 jmayer@csustan.edu

Stanislaus State offers state approved Subject Matter Preparation Programs (SMPP) in the areas/majors of Art, English, Mathematics, Social Sciences, and Spanish. Subject Matter Preparation Programs are undergraduate teacher preparation majors that meet [single] subject matter competency requirements. Students who graduate from a SMPP are not required to take the California Subject Matter Examinations (CSET's) as they will have met subject matter competency requirements through coursework.

Subject Matter Preparation Program (SMPP):

Adding a Teaching or Content Area to a Multiple Subject OR Single Subject Credential

Teacher Education
Math and Science Teacher Initiative

Updated: September 19, 2024