campus in autumn

California Teaching Performance Assessment (CalTPA)

All CalTPA-related email and questions should be directed to:

CalTPA Assistant

For content related questions ONLY - contact
Dr. Daniel Soodjinda – CalTPA Faculty Coordinator
(209) 664-6607 - DBH 338

For the most updated information related to COVID-19 related school closures and it's impact on the CalTPA, review the FAQ.

These dates are set up by program and are only meant to be "recommendations." You can actually submit your CalTPA cycles at anytime, but you cannot earn your clear teaching credential until both cycles are completed with passing scores.

Recommended Due Dates

Each semester, the Stan State Office of Extended Education offers CalTPA preparation courses for Cycle 1 and Cycle 2 that are fully online with regularly scheduled synchronous meetings. Information about each course, including registration info, can be found by navigating to the Extended Education CalTPA course website linked below.

Extended Education CalTPA course website

*Please note that these courses are different than the CalTPA workshops listed below.

What is the Teacher Performance Assessment?

As of July 2008, California statute (Chap. 517, Stats. 2006) requires all candidates for a preliminary Multiple and Single Subject Teaching Credential to pass an assessment of their teaching performance with K-12 public school students as part of the requirements for earning a teaching credential. This assessment of teaching performance is designed to measure the candidate's knowledge, skills and ability with relation to California's Teaching Performance Expectations (TPEs), including demonstrating his/her ability to appropriately instruct all K-12 students in the Student Academic Content Standards. All candidates who start a Commission-approved multiple and single subject teacher preparation program as of July 1, 2008 must meet the teaching performance assessment requirement.

Option #1 - Online CalTPA workshops

These workshops are free and online for current Stan State student teachers and interns ONLY. It is not meant for candidates who have already completed the credential program. The workshops provide a general and brief overview of cycle 1 or cycle 2, and run between 60-90 minutes long. 

Schedule of online workshops
Online workshop sign-up form

Option #2 - CalTPA preparation courses

These courses are offered through the Office of Extended Education, and come with a registration fee of $500 (each). Anyone can register for these courses, including current student teachers/interns, and individuals who have completed a credential program and are already in the classroom. There is one course that focuses on cycle 1 (EDUC 6790) and another that focuses on cycle 2 (EDUC 6791). The courses do a deep dive into each cycle and offer opportunities for a discussion with guidance and feedback about each step. Each course runs 6-7 weeks and are fully online with regularly scheduled synchronous meetings. Candidates who complete the course will earn 3 extension units (per course). You can register for these courses below.

TPA Preparation Courses

Request form for CalTPA resources and previously recorded workshops 

Complete the form to submit a request. These resources are only available to current Stan State student teachers and interns.

CalTPA Resource Request

CalTPA Annotated Overviews

If you'd like access to the Cycle 1 annotated templates, complete to the form to submit a request.

CalTPA Annotated Cycle 1 Request Form

For the cycle 2 annotated overview, complete the form to submit a request.

CalTPA Cycle 2 Annotated Templates Request Form

You must currently be enrolled in student teaching or interning, and be a Stan State student to access these documents. 

Sample midrange response: To review an example of a passing midrange CalTPA response for cycles 1 and 2, complete the request form.

Request CalTPA Mid-range Response Examples 

Note - you must currently be enrolled in student teaching, and be a Stan State student to access these documents. 

FAQ: To review the CalTPA frequently asked questions visit the FAQ.


If a candidate fails a cycle in the CalTPA, they might have to go through a remediation process before resubmitting.  Failure due to condition code does not require remediation. However, if a candidate fails due to a low total score, they must go through a remediation process before retaking the assessment.

​Condition Code

If a candidate fails due to a condition code, they must first contact Pearson by calling 916.928.4081 or by navigating to the website linked below, choosing the CalTPA tab, and then emailing Pearson directly.

  • When contacting Pearson, the candidate should request a "detailed condition code report" so that a complete explanation for the condition code can be provided. 
  • After a response is received from Pearson the candidate should then address any errors that were made and then resubmit.  

CTC Exams - Contact Us

Low Score

If a candidate fails due to a low score on the CalTPA, they must follow the steps below:

  1. Register for remediation through the Stan State Office of Extended Education by completing the form linked here: Registration Form - Teacher Performance Assessment (TPA) (note - the cost for remediation is $200). After completing the form, send it directly to the Office of Extended Education.
    If you did not pass cycle 1 - register for NONC 755.
    If you did not pass cycle 2 - register for NONC 7556
  2. Upon proof of registration from UEE, the CalTPA Office will assign you a CalTPA remediation specialist
  3. Contact the remediation specialist and make an appointment
  4. After remediation is complete, revise your CalTPA Cycle and resubmit into Pearson (note - you will have to pay ($150) to retake the assessment)

All questions relating to remediation should be sent to

Updated: January 15, 2025