Students raising their hands

MSCP and SSCP Preliminary Credential

The Multiple Subject (MSCP) and Single Subject (SSCP) Preliminary Credential: Bilingual Authorization, is available in Spanish, Portuguese, Hmong, Khmer, Arabic, Vietnamese, and Punjabi. Candidates for the Bilingual credential must be able to speak, read, and write in the target language to be recommended for the Preliminary Credential with the Bilingual Authorization.

Candidates for a Bilingual Authorization (BILA) must hold a prerequisite teaching credential with an English Learner Authorization, be eligible for an English Learner Authorization, or be recommended for an acceptable teaching credential simultaneously.

The MSCP Bilingual Authorization prepares beginning teachers for self-contained classrooms, usually at the elementary level, where more than one subject is taught to the same group of students. Credential holders are prepared to teach English learners. They also have the knowledge, skills, and abilities to teach in the target language in a bilingual or dual language classroom. The growing diversity of our service area and the growing number of dual-language programs present opportunities for students with proficiency in the identified target language to help immigrant children succeed academically, and assist English-speaking children to acquire native-like proficiency in a valued language.


Credential students wishing to be recommended for the MSCP bilingual credential take the following courses:

Complete the Multiple Subject Credential Program with some exceptions:

  • EDUC 4400 - Introduction and Foundations of Multilingual Education (Instead of EDMS 4150 Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools); *LIBS 4400 is equivalent for Liberal Studies undergraduates 
  • EDMS 4111 - (if offered) Reading Methods for Bilingual Education Classroom - If it is NOT offered you will take EDMS 4110 Reading Methods. 
  • EDUC 4460* - Educational Experiences of Latinx (program requirement; Spanish bilingual Authorization only)
  • CSET LOTE subtest II or III & V
  • Clinical Practice (program requirement - student teaching in dual immersion/bilingual setting)

* EDUC 4460 - Cultural Views on Bilingualism, fulfills language assessment and target culture requirements for Spanish bilingual credential candidates in both MSCP and SSCP or students can take CSET LOTE on Language of Emphasis Subtest III & V).

MSCP and BILA in Other languages (not Spanish):

Complete the Multiple Subject Credential Program with some exceptions:

  • EDUC 4400 - Introduction and Foundations of Multilingual Education (Instead of EDMS 4150 Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools); *LIBS 4400 is equivalent for Liberal Studies undergraduates  
  • EDMS 4111 (if offered) Reading Methods for Bilingual Education Classroom - If it is NOT offered you will take EDMS 4110 Reading Methods. 
  • CSET LOTE subtest II or III & V
  • Clinical Practice (20 hours clinical practice teaching in target language classroom)
  • BILA Portfolio (for teacher candidates NOT placed in dual immersion/bilingual settings; includes clinical practice log, 3 distinct lesson plans written in the target language using CSUS template, verified letter of clinical practice)

The SSCP Bilingual Authorization prepares you to teach in grades 6th-12th classrooms in your appropriate subject matter area. It also prepares you to provide primary language instruction and specially designed academic instruction in English (SDAIE) in a bilingual instructional program. 


Credential students wishing to be recommended for the SSCP bilingual credential take the following courses:

Complete the Single Subject Credential Program with some exceptions:

  • EDUC 4400 -  Introduction and Foundations of Multilingual Education (Instead of EDSS 4110 Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools)
  • EDSS 4215 - Reading and Writing in the Content Area: Bilingual (Only offered Spring semester; Instead of EDSS 4115 Teaching Literacy in the Content Area Classes)
  • EDUC 4460-  Educational Experiences of Latinx (program requirement; Spanish bilingual Authorization only)
  • Clinical Practice (program requirement - student teaching in dual immersion/bilingual setting OR 20 hours clinical practice teaching in target language classroom)
  • BILA Portfolio (for teacher candidates NOT placed in dual immersion/bilingual settings; includes clinical practice log, 3 distinct lesson plans written in the target language using CSUS template, verified letter of clinical practice)

SSCP and BILA in Other languages (not Spanish):

Complete the Single Subject Credential Program with some exceptions::

  • EDUC 4400 - Introduction and Foundations of Multilingual Education (Instead of EDSS 4110 Multilingual Education in Secondary Schools)
  • EDSS 4215 - Reading and Writing in the Content Area: Bilingual (Only offered Spring semester; Instead of EDSS 4115 Teaching Literacy in the Content Area Classes)
  • CSET LOTE subtest II or III & V
  • Clinical Practice - (20 hours clinical practice teaching in target language classroom)
  • BILA Portfolio - (for teacher candidates NOT placed in dual immersion/bilingual settings; includes clinical practice log, 3 distinct lesson plans written in the target language using CSUS template, verified letter of clinical practice)
    • Materials linked above

MSCP/SSCP Bilingual Authorization

Bilingual Authorization Requirement Matrix

BILA Orientation Recording - Spring 2022

BILA Orientation Slideshow - Spring 2022


Program Contact

Jon Mcfarland

Dr. Jon McFarland
BILA Coordinator
Department Chair Person
DBH 333 / (209) 667-3600
Meet on Zoom


Program Information

California Department of Education Two-Way Immersion Program

Directory of Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Programs in the U.S.

Central Valley Dual Language Consortium


Updated: September 23, 2024