Common Human Resources System

Stanislaus State Leading Efforts to Implement the
Common Human Resources System

Stanislaus State and Cal State Fullerton have been selected to be early adopters of the Common Human Resources System (CHRS). CHRS is a multi-year effort to create a single Human Resources system for all 23 campuses in the CSU. CHRS includes upgrading to the latest version of PeopleSoft (9.2) and adding custom modifications that will allow the software to meet the needs of the California State University system.

As part of Wave 1, we will partner with the Chancellor’s Office CHRS Program Team, Cal State Fullerton, and our own campus module teams to ensure the software meets the needs of our campus and the system as a whole.

The implementation kicked off in early March 2020, when a team of experts from Stan State traveled to the Chancellor’s Office to collaborate with the CHRS Team and Cal State Fullerton.


Chancellor's Office Updates

Status Update

The CSU Chancellor’s Office (CO) and their CHRS Team are key partners in ensuring the CHRS software meets the needs of our campus and the CSU system.

With this partnership, the Chancellor’s Office has committed to keeping campuses apprised of the project status of CHRS by providing updates related to the implementation of the project.

Stay informed on the latest news about the project!

View the CHRS News Updates

Updated: December 03, 2024