2024 Voluntary Separation Incentive Program
California State University, Stanislaus hereby implements the 2024 Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP) with the following terms and conditions. Employees must meet the eligibility criteria below to participate in the VSIP.
If you have reviewed the eligibility criteria and are interested in applying to the VSIP, please submit your intent to participate through the VSIP Intake Form. This will notify us of your interest, and we will send you the electronic application. For staff and MPPs, you can pick up a hard copy of the application form from the Office of Human Resources, MSR 320 and for faculty from the Office of Faculty Affairs, MSR 340.
Notice: The VSIP application period closed at 5 PM on November 15, 2024.
Learn more about:
- FAQs
- Final Terms and Conditions
- Academic Professionals of California (APC) MOU*
- California Faculty Association (CFA) MOU*
- California State University Employees Union (CSUEU) MOU*
*On campus credentials are required to access documents.
Information Sessions
Information sessions will be hosted to learn more about the VSIP.
Need Help?
For additional assistance with the Voluntary Separation Incentive Program (VSIP), please contact us at vsip2024@csustan.edu.
You may also to contact your Union Steward or a designated division representative. Designated division representatives are included in the directory below.
Contact | Division | Phone | |
Amanda Theis | Academic Affairs | (209) 667-3054 | amtheis@csustan.edu |
Kris Roney | Academic Affairs | (209) 667-3353 | kroney@csustan.edu |
Jennifer Corgiat | Business and Finance | (209) 667-3974 | jcorgiat@csustan.edu |
Lauren Schwall | Business and Finance | (209) 667-3077 | lschwall@csustan.edu |
Jennifer Humphrey | Student Affairs | (209) 664-6635 | jhumphrey@csustan.edu |
Heather Dunn Carlton | Student Affairs | (209) 667-3177 | hdunncarlton@csustan.edu |
Sandra Torres | University Advancement | (209) 664-6515 | storres8@csustan.edu |
Cindy Visot | Office of the President | (209) 667-3201 | cvisot@csustan.edu |
Frequently Asked Questions
Note: These FAQs will be updated regularly. Please read these FAQs and review the VSIP website before contacting Human Resources with questions.
The 2024 VSIP is designed to create an incentive for eligible employees to resign.
We hope that through participation in the program, we will be able to offset the budget deficit.
Employees hired before January 1, 2022, who are current Stan State state-side non-probationary, full-time employees, including Management Personnel Plan employees (“MPP”), Confidential staff, and represented staff. Employees who are in a new probationary classification but hold permanency in a prior eligible classification are eligible to participate in the VSIP.
Employees listed above who are on an approved leave of absence on November 8, 2024, and meet the eligibility criteria may participate in the program.
Employees must have at least 3 years (36 months) of continuous service at Stanislaus State as of January 1, 2025, in the above eligibility employment status.
Employees with a Settlement with an Agreement to Separate signed on or before August 30, 2024, are not eligible for this program.
For eligibility requirements, please review the Terms and Conditions section.
For eligibility requirements, please review the Terms and Conditions section.
No. The Golden Handshake retirement incentive is administered and directed by the Governor’s Office. Stanislaus State does not have the authority to make service credit decisions. The 2024 VSIP only provides a financial incentive.
Please review the Terms and Conditions of the program.
Employees who voluntarily separate as part of the 2024 VSIP will be offered severance pay. In exchange for voluntarily separating and executing separation agreements (including a release of claims), employees will receive payment equivalent to six months’ salary up to $75,000 with a minimum of $25,000. The actual amount will vary by employee. Please see the severance package section of the Terms and Conditions section.
No, an employee does not have to retire from Stanislaus State as a condition of participation in the 2024 VSIP.
The program is not negotiable. The timeline is designed to provide an appropriate planning opportunity for both employees and the appropriate administrator and must be applied consistently to ensure that everyone is treated fairly.
Yes. The separation agreement and release must be signed to participate in the 2024 VSIP. Employees will receive 80% of their calculated maximum severance benefit after signing the First Separation Agreement and Release. The employee will receive the final 20% after signing the Final Separation Agreement and Release. The agreement to separate is irrevocable as of the date the First Separation Agreement and Release is signed.
No, the final release is not mandatory, but employees will not receive the remaining 20% of their maximum calculated severance package unless the Final Separation Agreement and Release is signed and submitted on or before the last day of employment.
Benefits generally end the month following the month of separation. For example, if separation occurs on December 31, 2024, active employee benefits will end on January 31, 2025. You may contact vsip2024@csustan.edu for further information.
This is a one-time program and may be extended or end at the discretion of the University.
No, the 2024 VSIP is a voluntary program.
No eligible employee should be denied the opportunity to participate; however, the Appropriate Administrator and Vice President acknowledgements and signatures are required, to ensure that there is a business continuity plan in place before your Separation Date.
The financial incentive will be paid in two lump sum payments. These will be subject to taxes and applicable deductions. The first payment of 80% will be made within thirty (30) calendar days of signing the FIRST Separation Agreement and Release. The second payment of 20% will be made within thirty (30) calendar days of the FINAL Separation Agreement and Release. Both agreements must be signed before the Separation Date.
You are encouraged to submit your signed agreements early. Payments due during campus closure can be picked up from the Cashier’s Office during a two-hour pickup window on December 31, 2024 (to be announced). These payments will otherwise be available when campus reopens in 2025.
Separation Dates shall be any mutually agreed date on or before December 31, 2024. Separation dates after December 31, 2024, shall be considered on a case-by-case basis. The Appropriate Administrator and division Vice President must approve the Separation Date.
Yes, if you are an eligible employee, your Separation Date is approved, and you sign the required agreements as defined by the Terms and Conditions section.
Please sign into your CalPERS account and use the Calculate My Retirement Estimate tool to determine an estimate of your retirement benefit package. You can access your CalPERS account by visiting the myCalPERS Login page.
Individuals who retire in CalPERS may benefit from retirement on or before 12/30/24 with a retirement date of 12/31/24. Consult CalPERS.
VSIP pay is not included for the purpose of the CalPERS retirement calculation.
Separating employees may contact TechSupport@csustan.edu for details about email.
Participants are not eligible to apply to work at Stanislaus State until 18 months after their separation date. If the employee retires, they must follow rules governing retired annuitants, which may be found by following the CalPERS Retired Annuitant link.
Yes, per the terms and conditions of the program, an employee can re-apply to another position at Stanislaus State 18 months after their separation date.
Your final accumulated vacation accruals will be paid out on your final check. Please consult Payroll for further information.
You will not be paid for any unused sick leave.
Employees who are on approved leave of absence (FML, Parental Leave, etc.) and otherwise meet the eligibility requirements may participate in the program.
No, the severance payment may not be deferred.
VSIP pay is reportable income and subject to federal, state, Social Security and Medicare withholding. VSIP incentive is paid after tax. A tax consultant or financial advisor should be consulted for specific tax-related guidance.
No. Only full-time employees are eligible, subject to some limitations. Please review the eligibility section of the Terms and Conditions section.
Yes. Auxiliaries are separate and distinct employers.
No. Auxiliaries are separate and distinct employers that do not participate in the CalPERS system.
Contact vsip2024@csustan.edu for assistance.
For all questions, please email vsip2024@csustan.edu.
You can use the Compensation Calculator to get an estimate of what your VSIP payment will be.
Information Sessions
On campus credentials are required to log-into the Zoom session.
Date | Time | Zoom Link | Location |
Thursday, October 17 |
1 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. | Oct. 17 Session | Human Resources Conference Room, MSR 333 |
Tuesday, October 22 (Spanish Session) |
10:30 a.m. - Noon | Oct. 22 Session | Human Resources Conference Room, MSR 333 |
Wednesday, October 30 | 2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. | Oct. 30 Session | Human Resources Conference Room, MSR 333 |
Friday, November 1 |
2 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Zoom |
Monday, November 4 | 10:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m. | Nov. 4 Session | Zoom |
Date | Time | Zoom Link | Location |
Wednesday, Oct. 16 | 1 - 3:30 p.m. | Log-In Information: Please check your campus email for specific information on registration. | Human Resources Conference Room, MSR 333 (Limited Seating) |
Updated: November 15, 2024