A Safe and Secure Community
It is our top priority that students who live on campus feel safe. Help is always there for you, should you need it. The Village offers:
- Gated community with assigned keycards to gates, units, and bedrooms
- Emergency “blue light” telephones throughout the community as well as in the parking lots
- 24/7 staff assistance for emergency and non-emergency situations
- At least one professional staff member on-site and on-call at all times
- Close relationship with the University Police Department
- Security cameras at all entry/exit gates and at both pool areas
Warrior Express
Established for the protection of students after dark, UPD has been providing evening shuttles throughout campus since the early 1990’s. Students, faculty, staff and visitors may ride our Warrior Express shuttles for no fare.
Request a Shuttle
Text your location and destination to 277-8940 or call 667-3114. UPD’s evening student call-takers will receive and respond to requests, letting you know when a shuttle is available.
Spring & Fall Semester Hours*
Monday – Thursday: 6PM – Midnight
Friday: 6PM – 10PM
*Excludes non-instructional days (e.g. Spring Break) and University recognized holidays.
If you fear for your safety at ANY TIME, you may request an officer to provide a safety escort by calling 667-3114.
Two, 7-passenger gas carts are currently operating as our shuttles. We are excited to announce that UPD applied for and received a grant through the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District to help cover the cost of four, 15-passenger electric shuttles! The new carts will be easily identifiable as a shuttle (bright yellow) and be far better for the environment.
Disability Resource Services provides transportation for students with disabilities. They are located in L150A of the University Library and can be reached at 667-3159.
UPD Motorist Assistance
Car battery dead? Locked your keys in your car, perhaps? If you are parked on campus, wait by your vehicle and give UPD a call at 667-3114. They can help and it’s free. They will need to know where your vehicle is parked along with the make, model, color and license plate of your vehicle.
UPD Bicycle Registration
You can get your bicycle registered at the University Police Department. Having a license lets the Housing Office differentiate between abandoned bikes and bikes in use, plus if yours becomes lost or missing UPD be able to identify it! Bicycle storage areas are available throughout Housing and, once you register your bike, UPD will give you a free bike lock (one of the good ones, too!).
Updated: August 13, 2023