Individuals appointed to the Special Consultant classification are employees of the California State University and as such, are required to complete appropriate employment paperwork.

A Special Consultant performs special assignments of a temporary nature based on a particular knowledge, ability or expertise. This classification should be used for work that meets the “exempt” criteria of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and is not to be used for non-exempt work.

To initiate an appointment/reappointment of a Special Consultant, please go through CHRS Recruiting.

Please note: If the Special Consultant is currently a faculty member of Stanislaus State, please follow Faculty Affairs' procedures. All other individuals, including those who are currently faculty members at another CSU campus, must submit through CHRS Recruiting for special consultant appointments.

CHRS Recruiting Login

CHRS Recruiting Login

Contact ​​​​​

Roxana Castro (x3150)

For payment, once a Special Consultant appointment is active, please complete the Special Consultant Payment Request.


Can be a current Stanislaus State or CSU employee. Can also be a non-state-employed individual who does not meet the criteria to be paid as an Independent Contractor. No other appropriate classification exists in the CSU system. Work is of a temporary nature (not to exceed one year). Meets the “exempt” criteria of the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA) and is not to perform non-exempt work (e.g., cannot act as coordinator of an ongoing or recurring academic or academic-related program). If the work to be performed is bargaining unit work covered by another CSU job classification, the individual must be hired/appointed into the appropriate job classification.

Cannot be currently appointed to a temporary, probationary, or permanent university-funded or reimbursed position within the CSU system. Is engaged in the pursuit of an independent trade, business, or profession in which these same services are offered to the public (business license number, taxpayer I.D.). The services contracted are not available within Stanislaus State, cannot be performed by Stanislaus State employees, or are of such a specialized or technical nature that the knowledge, experience or ability are not available through the normal staffing process. University does not exercise control over details of the services to be performed (methods, hours worked). The University does not furnish supplies, work area, benefits, and personal liability insurance. Contact Financial Services with questions (209) 667-3077.

Cannot be a current CSU employee. Not the instructor of record. Speaks to a class because of his/her expertise for a fee. Comes to campus to provide the service. Limited time (usually less than one week). Limited dollar amount (usually $5,000 or less). Contact Financial Services with questions (209) 667-3077.

Cannot be a current CSU employee. Special, non-recurring activity. Fee not legally or traditionally required. Not in lieu of regular wages. The intent is to show goodwill and appreciation. Award for special achievement or short-term activity where no specific deliverable or specific result is requested or expected. Contact Financial Services with questions (209) 667-3077.

CSU Additional Employment Policy

The California State University (CSU) Additional Employment Policy establishes reasonable limits on the total amount of employment an individual may have within the CSU system.

Additional Employment refers to any CSU employment that is in addition to the employee’s primary appointment. Additional employment limitations are based on time-base, not salary. A maximum of 125% time-base is allowed under certain circumstances. The salary rate for additional employment may be the same as the rate for the primary appointment; however, a different salary rate is permitted if appropriate for the work performed and if allowed by the funding source. When determining the 125% additional employment under the CSU Additional Employment Policy, all CSU employment and all outside CSU foundation and other CSU auxiliary employment are considered together.

Updated: December 05, 2023