Website Updates

List of Migrated Sites as of Feb. 18, 2022

Website Upgrades & Migration Continues

December 16, 2021 shared in StanNews and sent to the web contributors

Hi Team!

Over the last few months, we have been working to move the website migration process along as quickly as possible. The list of currently migrated sites can be found below. As we continue migrating content over to the new website, we also continue to upgrade the new site.

Our 2014 site was built on Drupal 7 (D7); the new site started out on Drupal 8 and by the end of the day Thursday, Dec. 16, we will be launching the upgraded version, Drupal 9 (D9). Users should not see a difference once we launch D9. However, if you experience anything out of the ordinary, please email with details to

Continued Migration

If you haven’t done so already, please complete your department’s website audit sheet. Please contact if the audit sheet has not been shared with your department (please check with your department lead first).

Current Contributors

If you currently have access to edit your department website on D7, you may continue to do so using the following log in URL:

New Contributors

New contributors — those needing access credentials for the first time — will be trained once the entire migration process is complete. During the migration, departments that don’t have an active contributor may request updates to their web pages by emailing

Reminder: Searching on the New Site

When using the search on the new website, only sites that have been migrated will show up in the results. As migration continues, the search will populate accordingly. Please continue to use the A-Z directory to reach all other pages or use the search on the old site to find information that has not yet been migrated.

Happy Holidays!

List of migrated sites

New Website, What's Next

September 14, 2021sent to the web contributors

Hi Team!

As you are aware, the new Stan State website was launched in July. Since the initial rollout, we have been working on refining the admin back end for our contributors, migrating sites for the second rollout and making some visual updates to the front end.

As we continue the phased launch, we ask that you:

  1. In collaboration with others in your unit, complete the audit worksheet. (View a sample audit worksheet.)
    Please contact if the audit sheet has not been shared with your department, please check with the department chair/director first.
  2. Keep your content up to date; review your pages regularly.
  3. Delete unwanted/out-of-date/extra copies of assets (images, documents, etc.).

Migration Process

During each phase, we will be following these steps to launch the department sites:

  • Plan (responsibility – web services & department)
    • Review timeline and steps
    • Prepare web content for migration (complete audit worksheets)
  • Input content into CMS (responsibility – web services)
    • Wireframes if applicable
    • Content freeze, no more than two weeks
  • Go live (responsibility – web services)
    • Confirm site meets the web standards and guidelines
    • Launch the site
  • Train, if applicable (responsibility – web services & department)

Impact on Current Web Contributors

We expect the impact to be minimal. The new Stan State website will use the same Content Management System (CMS), Drupal. Drupal is a web-based CMS for the University website. Our 2014 site was built on Drupal 7 (D7), the new site will be on Drupal 8 (D8).

Although the content management system hasn’t changed, a lot of the back-end features have changed. There may be a learning curve for contributors who have been updating their department sites on D7. For basic edits, it’s just a matter of getting familiar with the new look and feel. Video tutorials will be made available to contributors, and group or one-on-one training sessions are available as needed.

New Users

New contributors, those needing access credentials for the first time, will be trained once the entire migration process is complete. During the migration, departments that don’t have an active contributor may request updates to their web pages by emailing

Login for the D7 Site

A quick reminder, please use the URL to log in to make edits on the D7 site. Additional information can be found on the website guide on the Basics page.

If you have any questions about the migration schedule, please feel free to reach out.

Thank you all for your help and continued support. I look forward to working with each of you as we continue to migrate all the department sites.

Ongoing Website Migration Adds Important Pages

August 30, 2021shared in StanNews

Migration of pages to the new Stan State website is ongoing, and Senior Web and Electronic Communications Developer Mandeep Khaira noted the three most recent additions to the new site are:

Please Note:
When using the search, only sites that have been migrated will show up in the results. As migration continues, the search will populate accordingly. Please use the A-Z directory to reach all other pages.

Finally, if you haven’t done so already, please complete your department’s website audit sheet.

Searching Our New Website?

August 23, 2021shared in StanNews

The web team continues to migrate the remaining sites to the new website. During this migration period, when using the search tool on the new site, only sites that have been migrated (including news articles) will show up in the results. As more pages are added, the search tool will populate accordingly. For general searches, we recommend using the A-Z directory during this time.

Thank you for your patience as we continue to enhance our website functionality.

The New is Here!

July 19, 2021shared in StanNews

Explore the new website celebrating our Warrior Pride! Need help locating a page on the new website? All the information previously located on the former homepage can be found using the mega menu, the utility navigation (grey bar), the A-Z directory and the search tool. Please note, when using the search tool, only sites that have been migrated will show up in the results. As we continue to migrate, the search tool will populate accordingly.

Watch this video for an orientation of the home page and the menu items.

Stan State Website Launching Soon

July 14, 2021 – Campus wide email: Stan State Website Launching Soon

A 'Brand' New Look Coming to Stan State's Website

June 18, 2021shared in StanNews & on Website

Guided by the University’s brand refresh, Stan State will debut its new, colorful and user-friendly website in early July.

Read full story

Department Website Audit Sheet

March 22, 2021shared in StanNews

As shared in the last update, content is a major part of the website migration. Auditing your website ensures we maintain high-quality content. We've created an easy-to-follow guide. The audit worksheet will help you to complete the audit and will answer any questions you might have.

View a sample audit worksheet and note the three tabs in the file.

Currently, the web team is working on pulling data and setting up these guides for student-orientated services/departments. We will contact your department lead and provide the audit sheet. Once you receive your audit guide, its completion should be a collaborative endeavor amongst the entire department; though it will help to have a point of contact who can help track the process.

Stan State Web Redesign Project is Progressing

February 15, 2021shared in StanNews

The University’s website redesign, the current phase of the brand refresh initiative, is making progress toward the scheduled June launch led by the project team, with support from University leadership, the Web Advisory Team and many stakeholders. The primary goal of the project is to develop and maintain a website that improves user experience. The website content is a major part of that experience. Please review these content strategy tips and tricks and see how you can improve or enhance your content for a better user experience.

Updates will continue to be shared via StanNews. For more information, please contact Senior Web Designer Mandeep Khaira at

New Year! New Look!

January 27, 2021presented during President's Spring Welcome Address

Mock up of new website on different devices

  • Website Redesign Progress
    • Design development complete in February
  • What’s Next
    • Content Migration: March & April
    • Launch Site: May 2021/June 2021
  • What to Expect
    • Refreshed, responsive design with an improved look, feel and functionality
    • Strategic changes to navigation and accessibility
    • Frequent communication, video tutorials & training

Content Strategy

November 9, 2020sent to the web contributors

As we progress to the next stage in the Website Design & Development Project, we need to start having conversations about our content. I have put together the following to help guide your internal department conversations.

A content strategy will guide your plans for the what, where and when of content creation. Content is the reason people visit your website, and any redesign should be conducted with a content-first approach. Even solid content ages with time, so if you haven’t touched the content on your website in a while, it is probably due for a refresh. We’ve outlined some key steps into developing a strong, audience-focused strategy for your website content.

To have a useful web presence the site needs fresh and relevant content, not just text on a page. The content needs to be communicative and engaging; it needs to answer questions. You should first assess who you’re talking to and then focus the content at addressing the needs of that audience.

Focus on the audience

  1. Who is your audience? (you can have multiple, can you prioritize them?)
  2. What are their expectations?
  3. Why do they visit your site?
  4. How do they use the information you are sharing? (is your audience just seeking information? do they need to take action? what action is needed? is it transactional? etc.)

Focus on Content

First, inventory and review the current site

  1. Delete or update HTML pages (check for links and content on the page)
  2. Delete images and documents that are not being used on the website (including slides)
  3. Remediate digital files (if a document can be turned into an HTML page, let’s do that to help with the accessibility)
  4. Assignments: who’s going to do what?

Then, assess what needs to be created.

Before creating new content, determine what content you already have and where you see holes that need to be filled. What content needs to be re-written? What pieces of content are performing well and may not need as much work? Document all the content you currently have and then identify what can stay, what needs to be refreshed and what needs to go. This will give you a clear picture of how much new content you need to create and where to start.

  1. Request Google Analytics from webupdate@ - include date range needed, typically assessing the last year is enough.
  2. What content is the website missing? Who’s going to write it?
  3. Does the structure of the content (main navigation items, sub-navigation items, page titles, etc.) make sense to your audience?

This is a conversation to have with the entire department; take this to the next department meeting and start having the dialogue now. If you have any specific questions for me, please don’t hesitate to reach out. We can schedule a time to discuss if you need.

Website Redesign Project Progresses to User Testing

October 14, 2020

The Stanislaus State Website Redesign Project moves into a crucial phase this week as it begins user testing with small groups of faculty, staff and students.

The goal of the redesign is to improve the user experience and the flow of information. User testing will ensure this goal is met by providing critical feedback on how website visitors use the site, where they may encounter difficulties and how problem areas can be fixed.

Once completed, the redesigned website will be:

  • Easier to use and navigate on a wide range of devices with various screen sizes.
  • Aligned with the look and feel of the University’s refreshed brand.
  • Fully compliant with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines.

The University is working on this project with the vendor ImageX and its Web Advisory Team, which has been actively engaged in defining best practices and providing insights from the University’s divisions.

Thank you to the more than 1,000 Stan State faculty, staff and students who responded to web surveys in May and June. The information provided by the surveys has proved invaluable in addressing website users’ needs.

As the project progresses, updates will be shared via StanNews. For more information, please contact Senior Web Designer Mandeep Khaira at

Participate in Website User Testing

September 2020

The next stage in the website development project consists of performing UI and UX tests. Please let us know the day and time that works best with your schedule by completing the Doodle poll.

Website Design & Development Survey

May-June 2020

Please take this brief survey to help us collect your feedback.

As Stan State’s brand refresh comes to fruition, we are gearing up for the final phase of the project: a rebuild and redesign of our University website.

To be successful with this phase of the project, we need your help. Your feedback, participation and diligence to help us better understand user needs and support University objectives across campus — especially around student-centric sites — will help us build a site that is responsive and improves your online experience.

Survey Closed Friday, June 5

Website Design & Development Project

May 4, 2020shared in StanNews

We are gearing up for a rebuild and redesign for our University website! Please feel free to share any initial thoughts (feedback regarding the current site and aspirations for the new site) that you may have.

Website Design & Development Project

April 29, 2020

We are gearing up for a rebuild and redesign of our University website!

As Stan State’s brand refresh comes to fruition, we are gearing up for the final phase of the project: a rebuild and redesign for our University website. It's imperative to enhance Stan State's web presence to more effectively engage all target audiences and clearly communicate with each audience across various platforms. The new site will bring the Stan State brand to life in a modern web experience that's optimized for all commonly used devices. Given our virtual world, this phase is crucial more than ever to maximize functionality and usability.

Our site has grown organically over the years. This has led to a very fractured structure with a large volume of content, making it difficult for visitors to find the information they need. Although effort has gone into enhancing functionality and fixing immediate issues on the website, a rebuild is necessary to properly solve our problems. This will be a highly technical project.

To be successful, we need your help. We need your feedback, participation and vigilance to help us understand user needs and support University objectives — especially around student-centric sites — across campus. Please keep an eye out for opportunities to provide feedback.

We'll carry out the entire process with as much transparency as possible. We'll be sharing our thoughts, research and process. As we work through this project, our highest priority is to avoid interruptions to your already impacted schedules. We will continue to share updates in the University newsletters and online.

Please feel free to share any initial thoughts (feedback regarding the current site and aspirations for the new site) that you may have at this moment.

Please check the newsletters (StanEvents & Announcements and Warrior Weekly) for major updates.