Buying a Permit
- Permits and clear hangers are available for purchase at MyCampusPermit.
- Current annual permit holders who are participating in payroll deduction must provide a shipping address for their annual parking permit by logging into MyCampusPermit.
- Payroll Parking Deduction Authorization Form
- New employees who qualify for payroll deduction (must be a 12-month employee) must authorize the deduction at the University Police Department.
- Reserved parking permits are available to full-time VPs and Deans at the discretion of the President.
- Map of faculty/staff parking locations

Cancelling Automatic Payroll Deduction
If you choose to cancel automatic payroll deduction for parking, please consider the following:
- Parking deductions occur one month in advance (i.e. May deduction pays for June parking).
- Report to University Police Department and complete the Notice to the State Controller of Payroll Deduction Authorization, Form CD88, indicate the month and year your deduction will end and that you want to delete your parking payroll deduction. Submit the completed form to University Police Department before the first of the month, you want your parking deduction to end.
- Relinquish your parking permit to University Police Department (attach it to Form CD88).
- University Police Department will forward the completed form to Payroll to cancel your automatic deduction.
- Any parking refund, will be sent to you.

Event Services
- Request a parking area for an event via the Master Calendar, R25.
- Event parking is not automatically exempt from payment.
- Parking Services:
- Subject to availability, email to inquire.
- 7-Passenger Shuttle Cart Rental: $75 per hour
- Shuttle Driver: $25 per hour. Weekends $25 per hour, minimum 3 hours.

University Visitors
- All visitors, volunteers and vendors, a Guest Parking Request Form must be submitted no later than two days prior to their visit. Hosting department must submit request.
- Areas marked as reserved are not for visitors.
- "30-Minute” designated parking spaces are available in:
- Lot 11 near MSR (campus administrative building)
- Lot 8 near FitzPatrick Arena
- Lot 2 near the Art and Theatre buildings

Annual Retiree Parking Permit
Stanislaus State retirees who are retired from PERS and not currently enrolled or employed at Stanislaus State are eligible for an Annual Retiree Permit.
This privilege is reserved for fully retired persons receiving no compensation from the University and is intended for personal use only for occasional visits to campus. If you resume employment with the University, your retiree parking privileges will end.
- The permits are $24.00 and valid from Jan. 1 – Dec. 31.
- Eligibility status will be verified through Human Resources and Enrollment Services.
- If you participate in the Faculty Early Retirement Program (FERP) you will not be eligible for this reduced rate permit.
- Individuals receiving any compensation, stipend, honorarium, course credit or other forms of remuneration from Stanislaus State are not eligible for this permit.
Updated: June 27, 2024