Request a Shuttle
Use the Tripshot App to Request a Shuttle
Stanislaus State provides riders the TripShot App to connect you to where you want to go.
Download the TripShot app from your phone’s app store.
Enter your Service Name: CSUSTAN.
Select Log In with WARRIOR LOGIN.
Enter your university username and password.
Questions? Call (209) 667-3114
Campus Shuttle Stops
Established for the protection of students after dark, UPD has been providing evening shuttles throughout campus since the early 1990s. Students, faculty, staff and visitors may ride our Warrior Express shuttles for no fare.
Safety Escort
If you fear for your safety at ANY TIME, you may request an officer to provide a safety escort by calling (209) 667-3911.
UPD currently uses electric shuttle carts that were purchased through the San Joaquin Valley Air Pollution Control District grant to help cover the cost of four (bright yellow) 15-passenger shuttles.
Disability Resource Services provides transportation for students with disabilities. They are located in MSR 210 and can be reached at 667-3159.
Updated: September 25, 2024