Dependent Eligibility Verification (DEV) is the process of verifying the eligibility of your spouse, domestic partner, children, stepchildren, and domestic partner children (family members) enrolled for state health and dental benefits enrollment. Government Code section 22843.1 mandates that you verify the eligibility of your family members. Government Code section 22959 authorizes the review of your family members' dental benefits enrollment.

Submit Verification

Learn More on CalPERs website

For assistance, please reach out to Sandra Luna-Mota at


Ninety (90) calendar days before your birth month, CalPERS will send you a letter with the verification due date, a list of the enrolled family members you must verify.

You will need to submit the following using the Submit Form button above. 

  • The CalPERS Dependent Verification Affidavit (this is mailed to you directly from CalPERS)
  • Supporting documentation

A copy of your marriage certificate AND one of the following documents:
• A copy of the front page of the most recent federal or state tax return confirming dependent as your spouse
• A copy of a document dated within the last 60 days showing current relationship status, such as a recurring household bill or joint statement of account. The document must list your name, the name of your spouse, and your address.

Domestic Partners:
A copy of your Declaration of Domestic Partnership registered with the California Secretary of State AND one of the following documents:
• A copy of the front page of the most recent federal or state tax return confirming dependent as your spouse
• A copy of a document dated within the last 60 days showing current relationship status, such as a recurring household bill or joint statement of account. The document must list your name, the name of your spouse and your address.

*(natural-born, adopted, placement for adoption, step, or registered domestic partner’s children) up to age 26 (the month in which dependent attains age 26)*

• A copy of the child’s birth certificate or adoption certificate naming you, your spouse, or your domestic
partner as the parent of the child
• A copy of the court order naming you, your spouse, or your domestic partner as the legal guardian of the child.
* For a stepchild, or domestic partners child, you must also provide documentation of your current relationship to your spouse or domestic partner as requested above.

Updated: May 28, 2024