Transaction Requests for Current Employees

Below are the following change request forms for current employees. 
For any position funding change, please refer to the University Budget Office forms.


If you have any questions, please contact the Talent Management Team.


Below are the following changes you can request on the Staff & Management Employment Transaction Request (SMER) form.

Submit the following to Human Resources.

  • Completed and signed the SMER Form
  • Attached justification with any supporting documentations, if applicable
Type of Transaction Brief Description Required Attachments
Reappointment To extends a temporary employee’s appointment.
  • Optional to include if changed, position description
Time-Base Change Adjust a position's current time base (Example: Change from part-time (20 hours/wk) to full-time (40 hours/wk) or from FT to PT.)
  • Optional to include if changed, position description
Pay Plan Change Adjusts a position's current pay plant to another (Example: from a 10/12 to a 12-month, 12-month to an 11/12)
  • Optional to include if changed, position description
Supervisor Change An employee has had a change in who their supervisor is
  • Optional to include if changed, position description
Temporary to permanent status To convert a temporary employee to probationary/permanent status
  • Recent performance evaluation required.
  • Optional to include if changed, position description

Below are the following changes you can request on the Reassignment Request Form.

Type of Transaction Brief Description Required Attachments

A temporary or permanent appointment where an employee vacates their regular assignment to assume a new assignment.

  • Justification Memo
  • Org Chart
  • Position Description (signed by MPP supervisor and next level MPP)

Updated: April 16, 2024