CSU Learn offers all of your required compliance training and more than 75,000 online lessons, videos, e-books, and classes. All employees will use CSU Learn for their required compliance training and register for other training and workshops.
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Learning Bundles
Learning bundles are a selection of courses, articles, and webcasts built-in CSU Learn on specific topics.
Learning bundles are a selection of courses, articles, and webcasts built-in CSU Learn on specific topics. The learning bundles below are designed to develop key competencies that are essential for CSU employees.
Builds Relationships: Builds trusting, caring relationships both inside and outside the organization; demonstrates respect for others and skillfully manages conflict; remains open-minded and leverages diversity.
Builds Teams: Hires effective team members based on the job requirements and fit with the culture; creates a work environment where people feel cared for and valued; fosters collaboration and team effectiveness.
Coaches and Develops: Provides timely and constructive feedback; gets to know each individual and their development goals; looks for opportunities to leverage strengths and provide growth opportunities.
Plans work to meet deadlines and outcomes; prioritizes, provides clear direction and delegates appropriately; clearly communicates roles, expectations, and timelines; monitors work to ensure self and team consistently meet goals and deadlines, executes work plans to quality standards; remains flexible and adjusts work plans as necessary.
Builds Teams: Hires effective team members based on the job requirements and fit with the culture; creates a work environment where people feel cared for and valued; fosters collaboration and team effectiveness.
Communicates a compelling organizational vision and how it impacts their direct reports; demonstrates energy and enthusiasm for the organization and builds commitment for ideas; understands what motivates each direct report and uses this knowledge to drive performance; rewards and recognizes success in meaningful ways.
Problem Solving and Decision Making
Considers all relevant information and uses sound judgment to make decisions and solve problems in a timely manner; pinpoints the root cause of an issue and identifies creative solutions; balances both the short-and long-term impact of decisions.
Leads Change: Fosters innovation by leveraging the ideas and talents of others to identify new ideas; creates an environment that encourages risk-taking; effectively implements change while considering its impact on all stakeholders.
Strategic Thinking: Understands market, industry and environmental trends; addresses issues to create or sustain a competitive advantage; uncovers new opportunities to create value and leverage the organization’s strengths; anticipates change and develops long-range plans.
Customer Focus: Creates a culture that is focused on the customer; regularly reviews customer feedback and looks for ways to improve their experience and build loyalty; ensures his or her team has the skills and expertise to meet customer expectations.
Understands and operates effectively within the organization's functional areas; demonstrates proper technical knowledge and skills to manage effectively; understands company data, communications and financial metrics and uses them to make sound decisions; sees the big picture.
Learn and review tools to lead a hybrid team, contribute as a hybrid team member, have a meeting that works for everyone and stay visible while some are on campus and some are working from home.
Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion
These courses and CSU webcasts focus on promoting equity and diversity in the workplace, challenging our unconscious biases, and appreciating cultural differences.
Learn best practices and tips for successful performance evaluations, including why they are important, what to include and how to make them a success.
Learn best practices and tips for oral, written, listening and team communication.
Courses, CSU webcasts and other resources that explore the principles of positive psychology, and how you can apply these in your personal and professional life.
Learn techniques for managing stress, practicing mindful meditation and be reminded of practical habits that contribute to your well-being.
Learn more in the areas of customer service, technical skills, and power skills.
Best practices to lead a productive and inclusive zoom meeting and facilitate virtual collaboration.
CSU Learn FAQs
All Stan State employees must complete Gender Equity & Title IX, CSU's Discrimination Harassment Prevention (for supervisors or non-supervisors); Data Security & FERPA; Injury & Illness Prevention Plan; and Safety During COVID-19. Other courses may be required, based on employee classification and position.
No, only active employees can take the training. Training is considered a job duty, which means that employees must be compensated for their time. In addition, employees must have an active assignment in PeopleSoft in order to activate their CSU Learn accounts. We cannot provide access to the training system until all data is entered into PeopleSoft.
This error means your job data has not been entered into PeopleSoft, so your training account is also inactive. It may take some time (days or weeks) for your record to be complete. The system will automatically notify you once you have pending required training.
Yes. All active employees, regardless of their assignment end date, are required to complete the training.
Yes. Special consultants are university employees, so they must complete the mandated training. Their specific tasks and number of hours worked are irrelevant.
Yes. Student assistants are university employees, so they must complete the mandated training. The student Title IX training is a separate assignment and cannot be substituted for the employee courses.
Not necessarily. Defensive Driver training is required for employees who drive for university business (regardless of the distance or duration), and Financial Services will not provide any reimbursement for mileage without completion of the training. The course is assigned by the system based on job classification and expected assignments. However, if you are certain you will not drive for university business, we can remove the requirement from your profile. If you have questions about the Defensive Driver course or assignment, please contact April Dunham-Filson. If you have technical issues with the CSU Learn module, please open a Support Ticket.
Yes. All employees, including student assistants, are required to complete the training. The training is also considered part of their employment, so if you need more funding to pay for the students’ time, please contact your dean or vice president to discuss your budget.
Yes. Even if special consultants never physically visit the campus or work with students, they are still considered employees and are required to complete federal, state, and system-wide mandated training.
No. Unfortunately, the University has no way to verify or compare the content in courses at other organizations. In addition, our courses contain campus-specific information, including reporting processes and campus policies. We cannot waive the requirement for any mandated training.
Maybe. Depending on the courses completed, and the dates you completed them, we may be able to transfer credit from another campus to ours. The easiest way to verify your course completion is if you provide your transcript or the certificates from the course(s). If you are unable to provide your transcript or certificates, please provide the name of your primary/previous campus and the courses completed, and we will request your transcript from the Chancellor’s Office.
Employees must complete this training on a regular basis. Some courses must be completed annually, and others have a longer deadline. The system begins sending notices 30 days in advance of your due date.
Most courses have fixed due dates, which means that every employee has the same due date. Others have rolling dates, so they are due whenever the certification ends (which varies by course). If you've received a notification to complete training, and you've completed that course within the last 180 days, please contact Kimberly McField for assistance.
CSU Learn Troubleshooting Tips
This error means your data has not been entered into PeopleSoft, so your training account is also inactive. It may take some time (days or weeks) for your record to be complete. The system will automatically notify you (with training notification emails) once you have pending required training.
If you urgently need the training to perform your job duties, such as Defensive Driving training if you will operate a vehicle for University business, please contact Human Resources (for staff, MPP and student assistant positions) or Faculty Affairs (for faculty positions) and ask to be keyed in ASAP. CSU Learn takes roughly 48 hours to activate your account after your data is entered into PeopleSoft.
Did your appointment on campus recently end, or are you currently not in an active position on campus? A "tokens" error means that your record is not active in PeopleSoft. Unless you are in an active appointment, you cannot log into the system or complete training.
If you are in an active appointment on campus, and you're getting the "tokens" error, contact Human Resources (for staff, MPP or student assistant positions) or Faculty Affairs (for faculty positions) to find out why your PeopleSoft account is inactive. If you were recently hired, please note that it may take days (or weeks) before your records will be updated, due to staffing levels and workload. Your CSU Learn account will become active within 48-72 hours after your record is activated in PeopleSoft.
If your record is active, but you're still getting the "tokens" error, please open a Support Ticket, and we will investigate further.
If you follow a link in a training notification email and reach an activity page that says "expired" and "100% complete," this means that you've completed this course before (perhaps in Skillport), and your certification has expired. You need to complete this training again to renew your certification.
On the activity page, look for a blue "START" or "REGISTER" button. If you have a "START" button, click on "START" (not the drop-down arrow) and begin the training.
If you see a blue "REGISTER" button, you must register for the course (even though it's been assigned to you) before you can launch it. Follow these steps (or refer to this quick guide):
- Click on the blue "REGISTER" button (not the drop-down arrow).
- Click on the blue "ADD" button next to the course description.
- Click the blue "REGISTER" button on the bottom right corner.
- Once the system confirms that you've registered for the course, you can click on the blue "START" button to launch the course.
When you launch a course that you've taken before (even in another LMS, like Skillport), the system may ask if you want to "RESTART" or "REVIEW" the course. If you are taking the course for credit/to recertify, be sure to click on "RESTART." If you click on "REVIEW," the system will allow you to view all of the course content, but it will not record your progress or recertify you.
When you launch a course, you may get a pop-up that asks if you want to restart or review the course. In most cases, you will want to select "RESTART." This starts the training at the beginning, and it records your session. When you complete the course, the system will record your completion on your transcript.
If you select the "REVIEW" option, you can view any section of the course. However, the system does not record this activity, and you will not be recertified or complete the training. The "REVIEW" option should only be used as a reference tool.
There may be a few reasons that a course you completed is still due.
- For some courses, like Data Security & FERPA, the final page of the training requires you to view a policy in a separate window and then check a box to confirm that you read the policy. If this is the case, re-launch the course (by clicking "START"), go to the last page, and ensure you've checked the box before finishing the training.
- You may have manually closed the course pop-up window instead of allowing the system to close the window. If that's the case, you can re-launch the course (by clicking "START), go to the last page, and click whatever button is required to finish the course (e.g., Finish, Close, Accept, etc.). The system will close the window and confirm your progress/completion.
- When you launched the course, you reached a pop-up window that asked if you wanted to "RESTART" or "REVIEW" the course. If you clicked on "REVIEW," the system would allow you to access the entire training, but it would not record your progress or recertify you. Please be sure to click on "RESTART" to avoid retaking the course again later.
- Some courses (like the CSU's Discrimination Harassment Prevention) have a legally-mandated time requirement. If you have not spent the minimum amount of time in the course, the last slide will advise you of the additional time you must spend in the course before your training will be considered "complete."
If none of these solutions worked, please contact Kimberly McField, who will investigate further.
The discrimination and harassment prevention course has a mandatory time limit, based on your employee category. If you are a supervisor, you must spend a minimum of 2 hours in the course. If you are a non-supervisor, you must spend a minimum of 1 hour in the course.
When you reach the end of the course, it will advise you whether you've spent the required time on your training. If you have not, please revisit modules or read the supplementary materials linked in the course. The course will not be considered complete until you've met the time requirement.
When all else fails, login to CSU Learn directly. Click on the "Assigned Learning" button (bottom left corner), and you can view any training that is currently due. Click the blue "START" button next to any course to launch and complete it. If a pop-up windows asks if you want to "RESTART" or "REVIEW" the training, please click "RESTART," so it will record your progress and recertify you.
If you click on "START" and nothing happens, make sure you've enabled pop-ups in your browser. Google Chrome and Firefox work best with the system.
Updated: May 10, 2024