Helpful links:
- Capstone Conference Submissions
- Finding a Faculty Mentor
- Remote Research Projects
- Attend a Conference
Honors Capstone Project Research Process
- Formulate project
- Take appropriate (free) CITI training (Responsible Conduct of Research module plus any additional modules that apply to your project)
- Determine if project involves human subjects research that requires IRB approval (Does my research require UIRB review?)
- Determine to which IRB you should apply:
- Psychology majors conducting psychology research apply to the Psychology IRB
- All other human subjects research should be submitted to the University IRB
- Work with faculty sponsor (required for IRB applications) and Honors 3990, 3500, or 4960 to complete IRB application
- Upload IRB application for tracking and suggestions via Honors Capstone IRB form
- Incorporate faculty sponsor/mentor and Honors program feedback and suggestions into your IRB application
- Submit IRB application to appropriate IRB (Psych or University)
- Follow instructions given by IRB administrators and/or reviewers, including completing any required revisions.
- Upload a copy of your IRB approval letter (including the protocol number) to the Honors Capstone IRB form (we’ll need it for your final presentation and journal article)
Please note that the same process applies to research that involves vertebrate animals (substitute University Animal Care and Use Committee—IACUC—for IRB)
Survey Collection:
Stan State IRB Websites:
UIRB Resources:
Updated: May 03, 2024