Class-size is smaller (typically 20-25 students per section)
Courses are able to emphasize on discussion-based instruction
Classes are more engaging, but workload is not more demanding than regular courses satisfying the same requirements.
You get to develop connections with faculty mentors with more one-on-one learning
Close knit community of student
Competitive scholarship opportunities available for students in the program
Personal use of all Honors in-person resources
Free admission to music and theater events on campus
Generally not. They will not require more study time or writing assignments than regular GE courses, but there will be a stronger expectation that students should come to class prepared to discuss assigned material.
(Do I need to take more classes to graduate if I am in the Honors Program?)
Courses in the first three years satisfy regular GE requirements. There are up to 5 additional units of coursework over the junior and senior year when students work on their senior Capstone Research Projects. Some of your thesis units can be used to satisfy major requirements in most cases.
Honors Program applications are accepted on a rolling basis but to be guaranteed consideration for admission and scholarship support, you should submit no later than March 15th of each year. We will continue to admit students into the program on a space-available basis. Honors Program applications can be submitted electronically simply by visiting our application page.
Do you have any other questions for us? Feel free to send them by email to Ellen Bell (eebell@csustan.edu) or Jim Tuedio (jtuedio@csustan.edu) and we will make sure someone gets back to you with a response! Thanks for your interest in the Honors Program.
Updated: August 15, 2023