Clarification on University Honors Program and NSLS Membership

The University Honors Program at Stanislaus State is not affiliated with the National Society of Leadership and Success (NCLS), also known as an Honors Society. Membership in NCLS is not required for participation in the Honors Program, and we will never ask for payment or fees to be part of our program.

While NSLS may seem like a good opportunity, we encourage you to explore other free resources available to you on campus that can provide similar benefits:

  • Stan State Office of Leadership, Engagement, and Belonging: This office offers free opportunities to develop leadership skills, participate in student organizations, and engage with the campus community.
  • LinkedIn Learning: Through your MyStanState student portal, you have free access to LinkedIn Learning, which offers a wide variety of professional development courses that can help you build leadership, communication, and career-readiness skills.


Honors Society of Phi Kappa Phi

Admission to the Honor Society of Phi Kappa Phi is by invitation only and requires nomination and approval by a chapter in accordance with the bylaws of the chapter and the rules of the National Society. Both require superior scholarship as the primary criterion for membership.

More information on Phi Kappa Phi

Contact Email:


Dean’s List of Students

Each semester Stanislaus State publishes a list of undergraduate honor students. To qualify for the list during the semester under consideration, a student must:

  1. Register for and earn a minimum of 12 units of credit of graded coursework at the University, and
  2. Achieve a 3.5 grade point average for all coursework attempted at the University that semester.

In addition to the Dean’s List of Students each semester, Stanislaus State also publishes a list of undergraduate students with honorable mention. To qualify for the list during the semester under consideration, a student must:

  1. Register for and earn a minimum of 8 to 11 units of graded coursework at the University, and
  2. Achieve a 3.5 grade point average for all coursework attempted at the University that semester.

View in Course Catalog

Graduation Honors

Graduation honors are awarded to students earning baccalaureate degrees at commencement on the basis of both their overall and Stanislaus State grade point averages achieved in their undergraduate work. Projected or estimated grade averages for degree candidates are excluded from grade point average calculations. Honors designation for Spring and Summer candidates in the Commencement program is based on grades earned by the end of Winter Term. To receive an honor, both averages must meet the standards as follows:

  • Cum Laude                            3.40-3.59
  • Magna Cum Laude            3.60-3.79
  • Summa Cum Laude          3.80-4.00

These are minimum grade point average requirements. Calculations are not rounded upward to qualify a student. When there is a difference between the averages, the lower of the two will be used in determining the level of honors. (See Grading and Academic Standing section.)

View in Course Catalog

Updated: January 21, 2025