Courses Available for Tutoring
If you do not see your course listed below, we currently do not have a tutor available. We can use your help to recruit for the courses we do not have a tutor for. First, submit a response to our No Tutor Available - Request Form. This will inform us of courses that are in demand for and we will begin recruitment to find a tutor. Second, reach out to your course faculty and request they submit a Faculty Recommendation for previous students they believe would be a successful tutor for their course.
Spring 2025 Course List
ART 2530 Art Appreciation
ASTR 2100 Descriptive Astronomy
BIOL 1010 Principles of Biology
BIOL 1050 General Biology I
BIOL 1150 General Biology II
BIOL 3310 Cellular and Molecular Biology
BIOL 3350 Introductory Genetics
Business Law
BLW 2060 Law Environment and Ethics
BUS 2090 Bus Ethics and Social Resp
CHEM 1000 Chemistry in the Modern World
CHEM 1100 General Chemistry I
CHEM 1102 General Chemistry I Lab
CHEM 1110 General Chemistry II
CHEM 2010 Quant Anlys/Basic Instr Tech
CHEM 2100 Chem/Biochem for Nurses I
CHEM 3010 Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3020 Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 3070 The Chemicals in Your Life
CHEM 3090 Chemistry in Elementary School Classroom
CHEM 4400 Biochemistry I
Cognitive Studies
COGS 2100 Intro to Cognitive Studies
Computer Information Systems
CIS 2000 Intro to Bus Computer Systems
Computer Science
CS 1500 Computer Programming I
CS 2000/4000 Personal Computing
CS 2500 Computer Programming II
CS 2700 Assembly Lang & Comp Archit
CS 3100 Data Structures and Algorithms
CS 3500 Human-Centered Design
CS 3740 Computer Organization
CS 4250 Database Management Systems
ECON 2500 Principles of Macro Economics
ECON 2510 Principles of Micro Economics
ECON 3320 Money and Banking
ECON 4200 Intermediate Theory (Micro)
Ethnic Studies
ETHS 2050 Intro to Ethnic Studies
ETHS 2100 Intro Chicanx/Latinx Studies
HIST 2600 Problems in U.S. History
HIST 3510 Colonial Latin America
HONS 3050 Methods of Discovery
ITAL 1010 Elementary Italian I
ITAL 1020 Elementary Italian II
MATH 1000 Excursions into Mathematics
MATH 1070 College Algebra
MATH 1071 College Algebra w/ Support I
MATH 1072 College Algebra w/ Support II
MATH 1080 Trigonometry
MATH 1410 Calculus I
MATH 1420 Calculus II
MATH 1500 Finite Mathematics
MATH 1551 Finite Math and Bus Stats I
MATH 1552 Finite Math and Bus Stats II
MATH 1553 Finite Math and Bus Stats III
MATH 1600 Statistics
MATH 1601 Statistics with Support I
MATH 1602 Statistics with Support II
MATH 1610 Statistics for Decision Making
MATH 1620 Probability and Statistics
MATH 2300 Discrete Structures
MATH 2410 Multivariate Calculus
MATH 2460 Intro to Differential Equation
MATH 2530 Linear Algebra
MBIO 2010 Micro for Allied Health
MBIO 3010 General Microbiology
MBIO 3032 General Microbiology Lab
MUS 1190 Music Fundamentals
MUS 1220 Theory I
MUS 1230 Theory II
MUS 2230 20th Century Techniques
PHIL 1010 Introduction to Philosophy
PHYS 2100 Basic Physics I
PHYS 2250 General Physics I
PHYS 2260 General Physics II
Political Science
PSCI 1201 American Government
PORT 1000 Elementary Portuguese
PSYC 2010 Introduction to Psychology
PSYC 2020 Intro to Psychological Methods
PSYC 3000 Experimental Methods & Design
PSYC 3100 Into to Physiological Psychology
PSYC 3350 Intro to Study Abnormal Behavior
PSYC 3790 Intro to Counseling Theory
PSYC 3800 Experimental Psychology Research Seminar
PSYC 4400 Cognitive Processes
PSYC 4410 Research Seminar in Cognitive Psychology
SOCL 1010 Introduction to Sociology
SPAN 1010 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 1020 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 2010 Intermediate Spanish I
SPAN 2011 Span for Native Speakers I
SPAN 2015 Span for Native Speakers II
SPAN 2020 Intermediate Spanish II
SPAN 3010 Advanced Spanish I
SPAN 3020 Advanced Spanish II
SPAN 3200 Literature & Civil of Spain I
SPAN 3500 Intro to Spanish Linguistics
SPAN 3530 Phonetics & History of Spanish Language
SPAN 4030 Gramatica Espanola
ZOOL 2235 Human Physiology
ZOOL 2250 Human Anatomy
ZOOL 4250 Vertebrate Endocrinology
Updated: January 29, 2025