Discover what you can learn and where an international business track can take you.

The international business track enables students to understand the global business environment, analyze global business opportunities, develop global strategies and perform global business activities. Students develop the business competencies and skills essential for careers in international business.
Students pursuing the international business track of management are interested in working in an international organizational setting, diverse cultures, travel, business, solving problems, working with people, and taking on new challenges. Students will learn global competitive strategy, global marketing, international economics, global operations strategy, international finance, global marketing, and intercultural communication.

- E.& J. Gallo Winery
- Blue Diamond
- The World Trade Organization
- International Chamber of Commerce
- Multi-national businesses such as General Electric, BP, or Siemans
- International aid agencies such as the U.S. Agency for International Development, the World Health Organization of the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)

Career Opportunities
- Management consultant
- Economic-financial consultant
- International marketing manager
- Foreign bank officer
- There’s also the obvious bonus of getting to see much of the world

"I want to be a part of the growing phenomena called globalization. I know that the international business track will help me gain the knowledge and understanding necessary to succeed in the world of global business."
Nayely Amador
International Business Student
Updated: July 30, 2024