Discover what you can learn and where a business administration major can take you.

When we say “business administration” we are really talking about the diverse program concentrations that this major offers – accounting, computer information systems, finance, management, operations management, marketing and general business. Business administration majors tend to be bright, competitive, ethical, industrious, and pragmatic. And they are ready to see the first of many successes.
Business administration students are interested in being part of a team, interacting and collaborating with others, working with people, entrepreneurship, leadership, and how businesses work. Business studnets will learn the general knowledge of business concepts and operations, effective methods of thinking about complex business situations, and the facets of international business, information technology and professional ethics.

- E. & J. Gallo Winery
- Moss Adams, LLP
- Foster Farms
- Bronco Wine Company
- Bank of the West
- Dole Packed Foods
- The Wine Group
- Grimbleby Coleman CPA’s, Inc.
- Atherton & Associates, LLP
- Target
- Hilmar Cheese Company, Inc.

Career Opportunities
- Marketing
- Finance
- Education
- Sales
- Consulting
- Law
- Mediation
- Management
- Economics

"The Business Administration major has provided me a well-rounded education that will allow me to enter the private sector confidently and to succeed."
James Kelleher
Business Administration Alum
Updated: July 30, 2024