Course Sequence for the Honors Capstone Project

To complete your Honors Capstone Project, in which you have the chance to draft a research project or produce a scholarly or creative work in your field of interest, you’ll want to make sure you plan ahead for the classes you need. We only offer each class once each year in the semesters shown.
Be sure to start your Capstone Project by taking HONS 3990 no later than your second-to-last (penultimate*) Spring semester on campus.


Course Sequence for the Honors Capstone Project flowchart. Please refer to the text beneath for details.
A flow chart titled Course Sequence for the Honors Capstone Project. (1) In the spring semester of your junior year, take Honors 3990 (1 unit). Explore your Capstone topic, present a poster on your initial project. (2) In the fall semester of your senior year, take Honors 3500 (3 units). Design, complete, and contextualize your project. Draft Journal Article. (3) In the spring semester of your your senior year, take Honors 4960 (1 unit). Complete your project, publish Journal article, present at the Honors Capstone Conference.(4) Once steps are completed, you can graduate! Be sure to start your Capstone Project by taking HONS 3990 no later than your second-to-last (penultimate*) Spring semester on campus.

Updated: November 20, 2023