Jung-Ha An
Dr. Jung-Ha An was born and raised in South Korea and she is a first-generation college graduate who is passionate about teaching mathematics with applications to real-world situations and mentoring/advising students, especially first-generation and under-served minorities. She earned her both BA and MS in mathematics from Chonbuk National University in South Korea. She completed her Ph.D. in mathematics from the University of Florida and finished her industrial post-doctoral training from the University of Minnesota in conjunction with Siemens Corporate Research.
Office: MSR 360 Extension: 3779 E-Mail: jan@csustan.edu

Renato Alvim
Renato Alvim is Assistant Professor at the Department of Philosophy and Modern Languages, where he teaches Portuguese and, sometimes, Spanish. Renato lives in Turlock (Originally from Brazil) loves traveling, learning, cooking, hiking, dancing, reading, biking, and playing with his cat.
"I like to listen to what students have to say. I support them, and I appreciate having the chance to know about our students' diversity and present steps to achieve what they plan for their future. I am here to help."
Office: S103B Extension: 6704 E-Mail: ralvim@csustan.edu

Anne Anthony
Anne Anthony is a lecturer in the Kinesiology Department at Stan State, teaching classes like Badminton, Tennis, Swimming, and Elementary Physical Education. She earned her Bachelor’s in Physical Education with a concentration in Health from Stan State and a Master’s in Education and Sport Leadership from Dordt University. Anne enjoys summers at Lake Tullock, water skiing, wakeboarding, and tubing with her family. She’s also an active CrossFit member in Ripon. Anne and her husband, Patrick, a Stan State alum and Lead Pastor at Immanuel CRC in Ripon, raise five kids, two of whom are adopted through foster care. Anne cherishes her time at Stan State, remembering both the joys and challenges of her undergraduate years. She is grateful for the mentors who helped guide her and now loves giving back by supporting her students through their own college experiences.
Department: Kinesiology & Public Health Promotion
E-Mail: aanthony1@csustan.edu

Salvador Ayala Camarillo
Dr. Ayala Camarillo is an Assistant Professor in the English Department at Stan State. He specializes in U.S. and Latin American literature from the 20th and 21st centuries, with an emphasis on the connections between geography and literature as well as the history of genres and how they are taken up and modified throughout the hemisphere. He earned his BA and MA at Cal State Los Angeles and moved to New Jersey to work on his PhD at Rutgers University in New Brunswick. He is absolutely thrilled not only to be living in California once again but also to return home to the Cal State system.
“I’m a first-generation student. As an undergrad, I occasionally fumbled my way through my education just trying to make sense of things, but I often also had a good mentor or two looking out for me. I benefitted from solid advice and thoughtful mentorship not only in the pursuit of my BA but at every step of the way in my academic journey. I’m very excited for the opportunity to work with students to help them navigate the university and to make progress towards achieving their goals and dreams!”
Department: English
E-Mail: sayalacamarillo@csustan.edu

Judith Banderman
Office: Bizzini Hall B107F
Extension: 3172
E-Mail: jbandermann@csustan.edu

Ashley Black
Office: Bizzini Hall B118L
Extension: 3238
E-Mail: ablack5@csustan.edu

Yamini Bellare
Office: B226A
Extension: 3934
E-Mail: ybellare@csustan.edu

Jennifer Biedendorf
Office: DBH137
Extension: 3371
E-Mail: jbiedendorf@csustan.edu

Cash Bortner
Extension: 3595
E-Mail: cbortner@csustan.edu

Sofía Brizuela-Obando
Office: DBH266F
Extension: 3775
E-Mail: sbrizuelaobando@csustan.edu

Sriram Chintakrindi
Office: B125
Extension: 6605
E-Mail: schintakrindi@csustan.edu

Nicole Cochran
Dr. Cochran is the Director of the McNair Scholars Program here at Stan State. As a maximizer, Dr. Cochran is talented in connecting with the underrepresented, where trust is built, significant moments are shared, diverse perspectives are respected, and communication and collaboration are common.
With over 30 years of experience working in education, non-profit, and complex organizations as a director, professor, trainer, and coordinator, Dr. Cochran’s expertise lies in the practices of bias reduction, diversity, inclusion, and racial equity through a trauma-informed lens, as well as creating safe spaces for understanding and inclusivity. Her facilitation style has been described as engaging and honest with a dash of humor. This allows her to create connected groups through courageous and, at times, uncomfortable conversations. She has led workshops, professional development seminars, and community conversations to tear down walls and build bridges of understanding and connection.
Office: Innovative Center 100B
Extension: 6641
E-Mail: ncochran1@csustan.edu

Jim Cook
Office: B118H
Extension: 3238
E-Mail: jcook2@csustan.edu

Kelly Cotter
Kelly Cotter, teaches psychology at the Stockton Center. Originally from the Los Angeles area, went to Boston for graduate school, and now back in California raising two little kids.
"I am interested in health and social relations across the lifespan. I like to hike, bike, dance, eat, read, travel, spend time outdoors, and enjoy the company of friends and family. I'm a supportive mentor; I try to help students achieve their goals but I'm not pushy. I look forward to learning more about you and helping you to achieve your goals in any way I can."
Office: B240J Extension: 3865
E-Mail: kcotter@csustan.edu

Sandra Cruz
Office: DBH229
Extension: 3361
E-Mail: scruz2@csustan.edu

Sergio Cuellar
Office: Vasche Library L203
Extension: 3982

Jennifer Cullison
Office: Bizzini Hall B118H
Extension: 3316
E-Mail: jcullison@csustan.edu

Scott Davis
Office: DBH275
Extension: 3883
E-Mail: sdavis@csustan.edu

Jessica De Silva
Jessica De Silva is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Mathematics. Originally from Hilmar, California, Jessica is a Central Valley native and Stan State alumna. She pursued her Ph.D. at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and says “It was great to get out of the CV and experience a different American culture (those midwesterners…) but nothing beats being back home near her family and friends!”
You’ll often find Jessica chatting it up with students in the hallways and her office (Science 1, 115). These conversations capture her favorite part of being a professor: getting to know such beautiful people. She aims to help students make the most out of their college experience, academically, professionally, and socially. Most importantly, Jessica hopes that every one of her students feel they are part of her extended family and cared for as such.
Office: Science 1, 115 Extension: 3540
E-Mail: jdesilva1@csustan.edu

José R. Díaz-Garayúa
José R. Díaz-Garayúa teaches courses in human geography and geographic information systems (GIS) in the Department of Anthropology, Geography & Ethnic Studies. He is interested in Latin American Studies and his research interests are in the area of socio-economics inequities and race, ethnicity, and place, among others.
"I am first-generation from Puerto Rico (my first language is Spanish). I have live in OH, MD, KY, and CA. I have traveled to Mexico, Costa Rica, Perú, and other Latin American and Caribbean countries. "I like to talk with students about their academic progress & their goals. I always look forward to the commencement ceremony."
Office: B216 Extension: 3479
E-Mail: jdiazgarayua@csustan.edu

Sandra García Sanborn
Sandra García Sanborn is a lecturer in Spanish and Hispanic Literature in the Department of Philosophy and Modern Languages.
Hi, there! I have been faculty in the Spanish Program for 15 years now and I am very proud of my students. I love learning new languages and traveling and have studied English, French, and Portuguese through high school and college. That's right: English is not my mother tongue. Funny enough, though I have been living in California for 30 years, I still have a strong accent. I also love mentoring students. Communicating with students, listening to their inquiries, finding ways that can lead them to success, and being available asap, is something I have been doing from my very first day teaching simply because it is my passion to support as many students I have can in succeeding and accomplishing their dreams.
The portrait behind me is by my artivist friend Mirta Toledo. It is titled "Autorretrato del Regreso"© In English: "Self-Portrait after my Return". Mirta Toledo is an Indo-Afro-Argentine visual artist who lived in the US in the '90s. She is on Instagram @mirtatoledo.arte I love her work! I am passionate about the arts, writing poetry, animals, and dancing tango :)
Office: S240 Extension: 3501
E-Mail: garciasandborn@csustan.edu

Iris Haapanen
Office: DBH328E
Extension: 6817
E-Mail: ihaapanen@csustan.edu

Victoria Hernandez
Victoria Hernandez is a Research and Instruction Librarian with a focus on online learning. She is a first-generation college student who grew up in the Central Valley. She earned her BA from UC Santa Barbara, MA in English from King’s College in London, UK, and a Masters in Library and Information Science from San Jose State. She comes from a background in social services, helping to connect people to community support, before transitioning to libraries where she gets to continue helping students. She has been an active member of FMP since 2023. “As a first-gen student myself, navigating higher education was a constant learning experience and sometimes a struggle. I feel FMP is a great opportunity to use my experiences to make that a little easier for someone else. I enjoy reading, spending time in the outdoors, hiking, and enjoying local coffee shops.”
Office: L119
Email: vhernandez51@csustan.edu
Extension: 6575

Alex Hiropoulos
Alex Hiropoulos, Assistant Professor of Criminal Justice, researches xenophobia, migration, violence, and policing, and immigration control.
"I'm a first-generation college student and daughter of immigrants. I grew up in various places, including a small town in the U.S. and Athens, Greece. I've lived, studied, and/or worked in various countries, including Greece, England, Belgium, Scotland in Europe, NYC and California in the U.S., and South Africa. I enjoy mentoring students in navigating the college experience, techniques in managing the associated stress, and listening to their concerns, and answering questions"
Office: B126B Extension: 6722
E-Mail: ahiropoulos@csustan.edu

Jeffrey Kettering
Office: B213
Extension: 3409
E-Mail: jkettering@csustan.edu

Jingyun Li
Office: DBH231
Extension: 3450
E-Mail: jli9@csustan.edu

Yili Lian
Office: STKA1019A
Extension: 9418
E-Mail: ylian@csustan.edu

Ana Ljubinkovic
Dr. Ana Ljubinkovic is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sociology at California State University, Stanislaus. Dr. Ljubinkovic holds a PhD in Sociology and an MA in Human Rights from the University of Essex, UK, and a BA in Sociology from the University of Rome, Italy.
Her research interests focus on trauma, collective violence, refugeehood, and the role of traditional art in promoting psychological healing. She has previously taught at MA programs in the Sociology of Human Rights (Essex), Refugee Care (Essex), and Peace Education (Rome). As a consultant to the United Nations and other humanitarian organizations in Africa and the Middle East, she worked in the area of psychosocial and mental health support for refugee populations with a focus on promoting traditional practices of trauma healing. She is currently acting as an external academic examiner for the MA in Refugee Care program at the University of Essex, UK.
Office: B213C
Extension: 3222
E-Mail: aljubinkovic@csustan.edu

Clarissa Lonn
Clarissa Lonn works in the Office of the Vice-President for Student Affairs. She is from Modesto, California.
"I love reading, traveling, walking my two dogs, enjoying a good suspense movie, meeting new people, and swimming."
"My mentoring style reflects the needs and goals of each protégé and their ambitions and horizons."
Office: MSR360H Extension: 6564
E-Mail: clonn@csustan.edu

Victor Luevano
Victor Luevano (loo-EHV-uh-no; kind of rhymes with “you never no”) is a professor of psychology. He is a first-generation college student who grew up in New Mexico. He earned his B.S. degree at the University of New Mexico in Albuquerque, lived in Austin, TX for a couple of years where he did not go to school, and then went to the Boston area to earn his Ph.D. from Brandeis University. He has been an active mentor in FMP since 2012.
“My favorite part of FMP is getting to know our students (and faculty, for that matter) on a personal level. This is such a great organization. If you ever get a chance to go on an FMP retreat, take it!”
Office: B237 Extension: 3096
E-Mail: vluevano@csustan.edu

Esther McKoon
Office: B158
Extension: 6513
E-Mail: emckoon@csustan.edu

Virginia Montero-Hernández
Virginia Montero-Hernández is an Associate professor in the Doctoral Program in Education and Director of the Center for Excellence in Graduate Education (CEGE).
"I love dogs and I walk every day with my dog Ted, a small white Poodle. I come from Mexico and I Speak Spanish fluently. I am the oldest of my siblings. I am a good cook and I love dancing to all types of music!"
Office: DBH350 Extension: 6564
E-Mail: vmonterohernandez@csustan.edu

Maria Mora

Esteban Montenegro
E-Mail: emontenegro1@csustan.edu

Keith Nainby
Office: DBH135
Extension: 3523
E-Mail: knainby@csustan.edu

Eric Nystrom
Eric Nystrom is a Lecturer in the History Department, primarily teaching HIST 2600-Problems in U.S. History. He is a proud Stan State alum, earning both his Bachelor’s and Master’s degrees in History from the university. His research interests include 19th century U.S. History, the History of Photography, and Environmental History. He has been a member of a living history organization for nearly 20 years and was once even a paid extra in a movie about the assassination of Abraham Lincoln!
Eric is an active member of Crossroads Church in Turlock, where he plays drums on the worship team and co-leads the College Group with his wife, Siera. He is co-faculty adviser for the InterVarsity Christian Fellowship chapter at Stan State, and really enjoys getting to connect with students on a deeper level. Outside of school, Eric and his wife enjoy traveling to historic sites, national parks, and wildlife refuges, camping, hiking, birding, and biking (as in bicycles). Eric also enjoys playing basketball and getting lost in a good book.
“One of the things I enjoy most about my job is getting to know my students and, if possible, helping them navigate college and life a little more stress-free. When I was in college I had several trusted mentors who both helped me through difficult times and celebrated with me during the good times. I hope I can do the same for students here at Stan State.”
Office: Bizzini 118
Extension: 3238
E-Mail: enystrom@csustan.edu

Giancarlo Panagia
Office: Bizzini Hall B213
Extension: 3409
E-Mail: gpanagia@csustan.edu

Jason Pourtaverdi
Jason Pourtaverdi teaches in the Department of Criminal Justice at both Turlock Campus and Stockton Center. He loves "anything outdoors!"
"I love being out in nature where it's quiet, peaceful, and beautiful. I follow all 4 major sports and soccer when there is a World Cup. I love playing dominos, and softball from time to time. I am here to be the person you can speak to no matter what is going on in your life. I hope to gain your trust and build a relationship we can maintain well beyond graduation!"
Office: B118K Extension: 3406
E-Mail: jpourtaverdi@csustan.edu

Brent Powell
Brent Powell is a Professor of Public Health in the Department of Kinesiology and Public Health Promotion. Currently living in Modesto (originally from Alabama).
I'm a first-generation student. I love to travel, explore nature and cities, college football, and amusement parks (especially Disney). "I love to talk and listen. I’m a great sounding board."
Office: FX111 Extension: 3348
E-Mail: bpowell1@csustan.edu

Sebastián Sclofsky
Sebastián Sclofsky teaches criminal justice at Turlock and Stockton campuses. He is interested in state and police violence, socio-economic inequalities, critical race theory, abolitionism, and Latin America, among others.
“I was born and raised in Uruguay. I lived in Brazil and Israel before coming to the US. I am crazy about sports, in particular futbol (90 minutes of the best sport in the world) and rugby. I love traveling, and I am crazy about the beach. I love reading, spending time with family and friends, and drinking mate, of course. I like to listen to students about whatever they want to share with me and find ways to help.”
Office: Turlock B107C Stockton A1008 Extension: 6618
E-Mail: jsclofsky@csustan.edu

Robert Sledge
E-Mail: rsledge@csustan.edu

Lisa Timmons
Office: B226C
Extension: 6872
E-Mail: ltimmons@csustan.edu

Danielle Turley

Houa Vang
E-Mail: hvang12@csustan.edu

Isabel Vargas
I’m a librarian and oversee the Stockton Campus Library and University Library website. I was raised in Modesto and I speak Spanish - my parents are from Michoacan, Mexico and we love to visit annually. I love helping students, whether in research, sources, or writing, or with any questions you may have!
Office: L118
Extension: 3227
E-Mail: ivargas2@csustan.edu

Jenni Whitmer
Jenni Whitmer is an Assistant Professor of Sociology, where she primarily teaches classes on gender, sex, embodiment, and social inequalities. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. In her spare time, she enjoys travel, film, reading, buying too many clothes, and being a cat lady.
"I joined FMP because I was a first-generation student, and I wanted a way to give back and help students. I really appreciate the opportunity to get to know students and help them to achieve their goals."
Office: B211 Extension: 3708
E-Mail: jwhitmer@csustan.edu

Richard Wallace
Office: B237B
Extension: 3228
E-Mail: rwallace@csustan.edu

Jacob Weigel
Office: A19
Extension: 3186
E-Mail: jweigel@csustan.edu

Taylor Whittington
Taylor Whittington serves as the Health Educator for the Health Education and Promotion (HEP) Office. She advises the Peer Health Education Program, facilitates wellness workshops, and collaborates on various health and wellness initiatives. She received her Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies (Christopher Newport University), Master’s Degree in Education (Northern State University), and Doctorate in Educational Leadership (Stanislaus State). She is also a Certified Prevention Specialist.

Gary Williams

Della Winters
E-Mail: dwinters@csustan.edu

Ana York
Office: Demergasso-Bava Hall DBH 334
E-Mail: ayork1@csustan.edu

Margarita Zamora Saunders

Karen Zandarski
Karen Zandarski teaches in the Department of English.
"Outside of work I like camping, hiking, kayaking, knitting, and of course reading and writing (I’m an English teacher after all). I am especially proud to have graduated from a junior college as a nontraditional, first-generation student. I understand and empathize with the struggles my students are experiencing. I mentor because I want to make a difference in people’s lives. I have been so lucky to have people in my life who helped and supported me through school and into my career; I want to give some of that back."
Office: DBH229 Extension: 3284
E-Mail: kzandarski@csustan.edu
FMP Active Mentor List, 2024-2025
Mentor | Department | Office | Ext. | |
Ana Ljubinkovic | Sociology | B213 | aljubinkovic@csustan.edu | 3041 |
Ashley Black | History | B118L | ablack5@csustan.edu | 3238 |
Brent Powell | Kinesiology and Public Health | FX132 | bpowell1@csustan.edu | 3348 |
Cash Bortner | Mathematics | Remote | cbortner@csustan.edu | 3595 |
Clarissa Lonn | Dean of Students Office, Student Affairs | MSR180 | clonn@csustan.edu | 3750 |
Danielle Turley | Psychology & Child Development | B226B | dturley@csustan.edu | 3084 |
Della Winters | Sociology | B207C | dwinters@csustan.edu | 3008 |
Eric Nystrom | College of Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences | B118 | enystrom@csustan.edu | 3238 |
Esteban Montenegro | Psychology and Child Development | Stockton A1021 | emontenegro1@csustan.edu | 9457 |
Esther McKoon | Sociology / Criminology and Deviance | B158 | emckoon@csustan.edu | 6513 |
Goshu Tefera | Ethnic Studies | B118K | gtefera@csustan.edu | 3256 |
Giancarlo Panagia | Criminal Justice | B213 | gpanagia@csustan.edu | 3409 |
Houa Vang | Sociology, Gerontology and Gender Studies | B213D | hvang12@csustan.edu | 3512 |
Iris Haapanen | Teacher Education | DBH328E | ihaapanen@csustan.edu | 6817 |
Isabel Vargas | Library - Stockton, Web services | Stockton Campus Library | ivargas2@csustan.edu | 3227 |
Jake Weigel | Art, Director of Warrior Fab Lab | A19 | jweigel@csustan.edu | 3186 |
Jason Pourtaverdi | Criminal Justice | SS 145 | jpourtaverdi@csustan.edu | 3034 |
Jeff Kettering | Criminal Justice | B213 | jkettering@csustan.edu | 3409 |
Jennifer Biendendorf | Communication Studies | DBH137 | jbiedendorf@csustan.edu | 3371 |
Jennifer Cullison | History | B118H | jcullison@csustan.edu | 3316 |
Jennifer Whitmer | Sociology | B211A | jwhitmer@csustan.edu | 3708 |
Jim Cook | History | B118H | jcook2@csustan.edu | 3238 |
Jingyun Li | Management, Operations, and Marketing | DBH231 | jli9@csustan.edu | 3450 |
Jose R Diaz Garayua | Geography and Environmental Resources | B216 | jdiazgarayua@csustan.edu | 3479 |
Judith Bandermann | Criminal Justice | B107F | jbandermann@csustan.edu | 3172 |
JungHa An | Mathematics | S109A | jan@csustan.edu | 6523 |
Karen Zandarski | English | DBH229 | kzandarski@csustan.edu | 3284 |
Keith Nainby | Communication Studies | DBH135 | knainby@csustan.edu | 3523 |
Kelly Cotter | Psychology | Stockton - A101 Turlock - B240J |
kcotter@csustan.edu | Stockton: (209) 513-9432 Turlock: (209) 667-3865 |
Lisa Timmons | Child Development and Psychology | B226C | ltimmons@csustan.edu | 3872 |
Margarita Zamora Saunders | University Library | L117 | mzamorasaunders@csustan.edu | 6556 |
Maria De Jesus Mora | Sociology | B213G | mmora4@csustan.edu | 3408 |
Nichole Cochran | Director, McNair Scholars Program | Innovative Center 100B | ncochran1@csustan.edu | 6641 |
Renato Alvim | Modern Languages | S103B | ralvim@csustan.edu | 6704 |
Richard Wallace | Anthropology | B237B | rwallace@csustan.edu | 3228 |
Robert Sledge | English | DBH230 | rsledge@csustan.edu | 3952 |
Sandra Cruz | English | DBH229 | scruz2@csustan.edu | 3361 |
Sandra Garcia Sanborn | Modern Languages | S240 | garciasanborn@csustan.edu | 3501 |
Scott Davis | English | DBH275 | sdavis@csustan.edu | 3883 |
Sebastián Sclofsky | Criminal Justice | B118K | jsclofsky@csustan.edu | 9464 |
Sriram Chintakrindi | Criminal Justice | B125 | schintakrindi@csustan.edu | 6605 |
Sergio Cuellar | Warrior Cross Cultural Center | L207 | scuellar4@csustan.edu | 3998 |
Sofia Brizuela Obando | Agriculture | DBH266F | sbrizuelaobando@csustan.edu | 3775 |
Taylor Whittington | Health Education & Promotion | Student Health Center | twhitehead1@csustan.edu | 6551 |
Victor Luevano | Psychology | B237 | vluevano@csustan.edu | 3096 |
Victoria Hernandez | Library | Library | vhernandez51@csustan.edu | Library |
Yamini Bellare | Psychology and Child Development | B226A | ybellare@csustan.edu | 3934 |
Yili Lian | Accounting and Finance / Finance | Stockton, A1019A | ylian@csustan.edu | 9418 |
Updated: December 13, 2024