How to Become a Mentor

Stanislaus State faculty members wishing to participate in the Faculty Mentor Program can call the FMP office at (209) 667-3034, e-mail FMP Director Jason Pourtaverdi at, or drop by the FMP office located in Student Services Building 145.

Faculty Mentor Application

"A mentor is a person who acts as a sponsor, advocate, guide-or who teaches, advises, trusts, critiques, another to express, pursue and finalize his/her goals." Van Zant 1980

FMP's mentors are specifically trained to meet the needs of Stanislaus State students. Mentors are committed to working with students and enhancing their opportunities for success. The Faculty represents a wide range of academic disciplines. Currently, we have many Mentors from every discipline around campus.

The faculty participate in ongoing training for new faculty, mentor recruits and established faculty mentors. Training includes the review and history of the program, team building, cultural awareness, understanding diversity, and interpersonal strategies for improved communication. Stanislaus State faculty mentors agree the "experiential" workshops are successful, helpful, and that the opportunities for discussion allow them to get to know each other better. In addition to the personal meeting times arranged between mentors and their student protégés, all mentors and protégés can meet at a monthly interaction that is arranged and provided by the program.

  • Inspires you in bad times
  • Develops the self-confidence needed for growth
  • Shares your values and ideas
  • Guides you with mutual trust and understanding
  • Helps you design clear and realistic goals
  • Shares your dreams and enlarges your vision
  • Encourages responsible behavior
  • Believes in you
  • Motivates, encourages, and advises you to succeed
  • Helps you expand your horizons
  • Assists you during a crisis or a turning point
  • Boosts your self-esteem
  • Broadens your contacts on campus and in the community
  • Supports your career and educational goals

Mentor-Protégé relationships can develop into friendships that last a lifetime.

Updated: May 21, 2024