

College of the Arts, Humanities & Social Sciences


Communication Studies



Demergasso-Bava Hall DBH135

Doctor of Philosophy, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL (May 2003)
Areas of Specialization: Communication Pedagogy, Performance Studies,
Philosophy of Communication 
Dissertation Title: "Constitutive Approaches to Communication as Pedagogical Resources"
Dissertation Chair: Dr. Lenore Langsdorf 
Recipient of the Delyte and Dorothy Morris Doctoral Fellowship

Master of Science, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL (May 2000)
Master's Research Report Title: "The Ethical Stage: A Phenomenology of Audiencing"
Research Report Chair: Dr. Lenore Langsdorf

Bachelor of Arts, Magna Cum Laude, Boston University, Boston, MA (January 1993)
Major: Journalism

Bachelor of Science, Magna Cum Laude, Boston University, Boston, MA (January 1993)
Major: Political Science

Assistant Professor, California State University, Stanislaus (September 2005-present)

Lecturer, San José State University (August 2003-May 2005)

Lecturer, Santa Clara University (September 2004-February 2005)

Lecturer, Hartnell College (August 2003-May 2004)

Visiting Assistant Professor, Gustavus Adolphus College
(September 2002-January 2003)

Graduate Teaching Assistant, Southern Illinois University
(August 1999-May 2002)

California State University, Stanislaus
Intercultural Communication (COMM 4160)
Rhetorical Theory (COMM 4140)
Communication Research Analysis (COMM 4030)
Communication in the Classroom (COMM 4020)
Oral Interpretation of Children's Literature (COMM 3400)
Communication Theory (COMM 3200)
Advanced Interpersonal Communication (COMM 3100)
Group Discussion Processes (COMM 2110)

San José State University
Language, Meaning and Culture (COMM 160)
Communication, Self and Society (COMM 105)
Writing Workshop (COMM 100W)
Communication Criticism (COMM 45)
Small Group Communication (COMM 41)
Public Speaking (COMM 20)

Santa Clara University
Advanced Interpersonal Communication (COM 100A)
Public Speaking (COM 20)

Hartnell College
Essentials of Public Speaking (SPE 1-A)

Gustavus Adolphus College
Small Group Communication (COM 237)
Interpersonal Communication (COM 117)

Southern Illinois University
School and Society (EDUC 311)
Introduction to Oral Communication: Speech, Self, and Society (SPCM 101)

Nainby, Keith. "Philosophical and Methodological Foundations of Communication
Education," in The SAGE Handbook of Communication and Instruction, Eds. John T. Warren and Deanna L. Fassett. Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE, 2010.

Nainby, Keith. "Opportunities and Challenges in a University-Level Program for First– Generation Students," in The Invisibility Factor: Administrators and Faculty Reach Out to First–Generation College Students, Eds. Teresa Heinz Housel and Vickie L. Harvey. Boca Raton, FL: Brown Walker Press, 2009.

Nainby, Keith. Book review of Folktales Retold: A Critical Overview of Stories Updated for Children by Amie A. Doughty. Women & Language 32.1 (2009): 113-114.

Nainby, Keith and Deanna L. Fassett. "Effacement and Metaphor: Searching for the Body in Educational Discourse." Liminailties: A Journal of Performance Studies 4.3 (2008): 1-25.

Nainby, Keith. "Take and Give." Faculty Voices, California State University, Stanislaus, 2006.

Nainby, Keith, John T. Warren, and Christopher Bollinger. "Articulating Contact in the Classroom: Towards a Constitutive Focus in Critical Pedagogy." Critical Pedagogy: Political Approaches to Language and Intercultural Communication. Ed. Alison Phipps and Manuela Guilherme. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters, 2004. Reprint. 

Nainby, Keith, John T. Warren, and Christopher Bollinger. "Articulating Contact in the Classroom: Towards a Constitutive Focus in Critical Pedagogy." Language and Intercultural Communication 3.3 (2003): 198-212. 

Nainby, Keith and John B. Pea. "Immobility in Mobility: Narratives of Social Class, Education, and Paralysis." Educational Foundations 17.3 (2003): 19-36.

Under Contract

Nainby, Keith. "Interpersonal Communication for Leaders" and "Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making," in DeCaro, Peter, Small Group Communication Synergy. Boston: Kendall Hunt, forthcoming.

Under Review

Nainby, Keith. "Free, Stuck, Tangled: Bob Dylan, the 'Self' and the Performer's Critical Perspective." Invited submission after peer–reviewed abstract acceptance at Contemporary Theatre Review, special issue on "Music as Performance," Ed. Elizabeth Patterson.

Jaasma, Marjorie A., Frances Jeffries and Keith Nainby. "Negotiation of Attachment/Separation Tension in Relationships Between Mothers and Daughters Who Are Pursuing Careers in Academia." In Mother-Daughter Communication: Contexts, Connections, Tensions, and Transitions, ed. Alice Deakins, Rebecca Lockridge, and Helen Sterk (under consideration for republication by scholarly presses).

Works in Progress

"Fables' Reflections: Neil Gaiman's Mediated Performances of Children's Literature." 

Co–Researcher in a study on Grade Conflict in Public Speaking courses funded in part by a Spencer Foundation grant. Principal Investigator: Dr. Christina Sabee, San José State University. (Spring 2005-present)

Refereed Conference Papers and Presentations

Nainby, Keith. "Power & Communication: Where Are We? Where Are We Going?" Panelist scheduled at the Western States Communication Association convention, Anchorage, AK (March 2010)

Nainby, Keith. "Tell Me How to Get an 'A'": Student–Teacher Communication, Social Class and the "Credentialing" Model of Higher Education." Paper presented at the National Communication Association convention, Chicago, IL (November 2009)

Nainby, Keith. "Stability and Change in Instructional Communication Research: Have We Responded to Sprague?s 'Unasked Questions'?" Panelist at the National Communication Association convention, Chicago, IL (November 2009)

Nainby, Keith. "Mixing Spaces/Places in Musical Performance: Aural Negotiations of Emerging Cultural Environments." Panelist at the Western States Communication Association convention, Phoenix, AZ (February 2009)

Nainby, Keith. "Transforming Texts: Unconventional Spirituality in the Foundational Literature of Critical Communication Pedagogy." Paper presented at the National Communication Association convention, San Diego, CA (November 2008)

Nainby, Keith. "Music, Performance Art, Literature, Graphic Novels: Scenes, Identities, Aesthetics, and the Cultural Politics of Inclusion/Exclusion." Panelist at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association convention, San Francisco, CA (March 2008)

Nainby, Keith and Deanna L. Fassett. "Effacement and Metaphor: Reclaiming the Body in Educational Discourse." Paper presented at the Western States Communication Association convention, Bloomfield, CO (February 2008)

Nainby, Keith. "Fables' Reflections: Neil Gaiman's Mediated Performances of Children's Literature." Paper presented at the Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association joint convention, Boston, MA (April 2007)

Nainby, Keith. "GTA Experience as a Path to the Artistry in Teaching." Panelist at the Western States Communication Association convention, Seattle, WA (February 2007)

Nainby, Keith. "Promoting Social Justice Through Critical Communication Pedagogy." Panelist at the Western States Communication Association convention, Seattle, WA (February 2007)

Nainby, Keith. "Social Justice Pedagogy: Or, Taking Our Conference Theme Seriously." Panelist at the Western States Communication Association convention, Seattle, WA (February 2007)

Nainby, Keith. "Creating Sites for Connection and Action in the Classroom through Critical Communication Pedagogy." Co-Facilitator for the Short Course at the National Communication Association convention, San Antonio, TX (November 2006)

Nainby, Keith. "Engaging Adult Learners through Performance–Based Approaches." Panelist at the National Communication Association convention, San Antonio, TX (November 2006)

Nainby, Keith. "Intersections of Rhetoric and Performance: Creating Sites for Connection and Action in Interdisciplinary Scholarship." Panelist at the National Communication Association convention, San Antonio, TX (November 2006)

Nainby, Keith and John T. Warren. "Performatively Bi: Narrative Sketches of Identities in Tension." Paper presented at the National Communication Association convention, San Antonio, TX (November 2006)

Nainby, Keith. "Pedagogies of Growth." Panelist at the National Communication Association convention, Boston, MA (November 2005)

Nainby, Keith. "Public Intellectuals and the Healthy Society." Panelist at the National Communication Association convention, Boston, MA (November 2005)

Nainby, Keith. "Sounding Out the Place of Music With/In Performance Studies." Panelist at the National Communication Association convention, Boston, MA (November 2005)

Nainby, Keith. "Toward a Social Justice Perspective: Applied Communication Education Scholarship." Panelist at the National Communication Association convention, Boston, MA (November 2005)

Nainby, Keith. "Adjuncts, Part–Timers and Provisional Faculty: Negotiating in the Professional Third Space." Panelist at the Western States Communication Association convention, San Francisco, CA (February 2005)

Nainby, Keith. "Students Creating/Negotiating Third Spaces: A Preconference Exploring Student<->Student Engagement within Basic Communication Courses." Organizer/Facilitator for the Basic Course Preconference Workshop, Western States Communication Association convention,
San Francisco, CA (February 2005)

Nainby, Keith. "Critical Pedagogy, Cultural Politics and the Institutional Ties That Bind." Panelist at the National Communication Association convention, Chicago, IL (November 2004)

Kilgard, Amy K. and Keith Nainby. "Does Your Partner Know?" Performance presented at the National Communication Association convention, Chicago, IL (November 2004)

Nainby, Keith. "Pedagogies of Violence." Panelist at the National Communication Association convention, Chicago, IL (November 2004)

Nainby, Keith. "Multiculturalism, Pedagogy, and the Public Speaking Course." Facilitator for the Basic Course Preconference Workshop, Western States Communication Association convention, Albuquerque, NM
(February 2004)

Nainby, Keith, John T. Warren, and Christopher Bollinger. "Toward a Constitutive Critical Pedagogy." Paper presented at the Western States Communication Association convention, Albuquerque, NM (February 2004)

Nainby, Keith. "Revealing Complexity, Challenging Oppression: Transgressive Educational Policy." Panelist at the 2003 National Communication Association convention, Miami, FL (November 2003)

Nainby, Keith. "Engaging Oppression: Implications for Preparing Future Faculty." Panelist at the 2002 National Communication Association convention,
New Orleans, LA (November 2002)

Warren, John T. and Keith Nainby. "Alterity In/Action: Difference, Indifference, Conflict, and Social Action." Panelist at the 2002 National Communication Association convention, New Orleans, LA (November 2002)

Nainby, Keith. "Classic Text, Classic Myths: An Exploration of Students' Insights into Teaching Pedagogy of the Oppressed." Paper presented at the 2002 American Educational Studies Association convention, Pittsburgh, PA (October 2002)

Fassett, Deanna L. and Keith Nainby. "The Sorting Hat: The Hidden Curriculum of Harry Potter." Paper presented at the 2002 Central States Communication Association convention, Milwaukee, WI (April 2002)

Nainby, Keith. "The Rhetoric of Reimagining the 'City' and Fenway Park." Paper presented at the 2001 National Communication Association convention,
Atlanta, GA (November 2001)

Warren, John T. and Keith Nainby. "The Tortoise and the Hair: Race–ing, Gendering and Bodily Excess." Paper presented at the 2001 National Communication Association convention, Atlanta, GA (November 2001)

Nainby, Keith. "Boxing Tyler: The (De)Stabilization of Masculinity in Fight Club." Paper presented at the 2001 Central States Communication Association convention, Cincinnati, OH (April 2001)

Nainby, Keith. "Inarticulate Contact? On the Limits of Human Communication." Paper presented at the 2001 Central States Communication Association convention, Cincinnati, OH (April 2001)

Nainby, Keith. " 'Maybe You Taught Them Something': An Ethnography of Students' Understanding of Education." Paper presented at the 2001 Central States Communication Association convention, Cincinnati, OH (April 2001)

Nainby, Keith. "Can a Book Sing? The Voice of Author(ity) in the Gospel of Mark." Paper presented at the 2000 National Communication Association convention, Seattle, WA (November 2000)

Nainby, Keith. "The Problem of Self–Decentering: Autoethnography and the Possibility of Critical Reflexivity in Intercultural Communication." Paper presented at the 2000 Central States Communication Association convention, Detroit, MI (April 2000)

Nainby, Keith. "The Quest for Authentic Diva–nity: A Rhetorical Analysis of the Videos of Shania Twain." Paper presented at the 1999 National Communication Association convention, Chicago, IL (November 1999)

Invited Research Presentations

"Immobility in Mobility: Narratives of Social Class, Education, and Paralysis," Guest Scholar, COMM 282, Department of Communication Studies, San José State University (November 2008, November 2007)

"Performative Pedagogy," Guest Scholar, COMM 850, Communication Studies Department, San Francisco State University (November 2008)

Kilgard, Amy K. and Keith Nainby. "Beyond Roleplay: Radical Performance in the Classroom." Keynote Presentation at the American Educational Studies Association convention, Savannah, GA (October 2008)

"Critical Communication Pedagogy," Guest Scholar, COMM 850, Communication Studies Department, San Francisco State University (May 2007)

"Performative Pedagogy," Teaching and Learning Institute, California State University, Stanislaus/Phranakhon Rajabhat University (January 2008)

"Freire and Performing Teacher Identity," Guest Scholar, Graduate Teaching Associate Staff Meeting (COMM 285), Department of Communication Studies, San José State University (December 2004)

Kilgard, Amy K. and Keith Nainby. "Does Your Partner Know?" Performance presented at Visiting Returning Artist Program, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL (April 2004)

Nainby, Keith. "A Question of Possession: Ontology and Materiality in Online Communication." Visiting Scholar, Communication Studies Week, Bowling Green State University (March 2003)

Nainby, Keith. "Constituting Class: Social Class and Classroom Communities." Visiting Scholar, Communication Studies Week, Bowling Green State University (March 2003)

Selected Scholarly Performance Projects

Video performer, "Video Advertisement #1," Shock and Autonomy, a multi–site web–based cyber–performance by the Underscore Collective (May 2004)

Stage manager and video production, Slippin' Mickeys, Marion Kleinau Theatre, Southern Illinois University (March 2001)

"Easy," as well as an ensemble member, in Splintering Civility, by John B. Pea, Marion Kleinau Theatre, Southern Illinois University (October 2001)

Performer, Stain Upon the Snow, adapted by John T. Warren, Marion Kleinau Theatre,
Southern Illinois University (March 2000)

"So What," Oh, For Art's Sake!, created and directed by Amy K. Kilgard, Marion Kleinau Theatre, Southern Illinois University (October 1999)

"Tanya," An Evening of Spotlight Performances, Marion Kleinau Theatre, Southern Illinois University (December 1998)

Curriculum Development

"Public Speaking and Agriculture," California Post–Secondary Agriculture Curriculum Resources (Spring 2008)

Instructional Workshops and Presentations

Workshop Facilitator, Teaching and Learning Institute, California State University, Stanislaus/Phranakhon Rajabhat University (January 2009, January 2008, June 2007)

Forum Theatre Workshop, Graduate Teaching Associate Orientation, Department of Communication Studies, San José State University (August 2008, August 2007, August 2006, August 2005, August 2004, August 2003)

Teacher Identity Workshop, Graduate Teaching Associate Orientation, Department of Communication Studies, San José State University (August 2008, August 2007, August 2006, August 2005, August 2004, August 2003)

Forum Theatre Workshop, Graduate Teaching Associate Orientation, Communication Studies Department, San Francisco State University (August 2007)

"Communication in the Classroom." Workshop, Communication Studies Lab and Resource Center, San José State University (March 2005, October 2004)

"Plan of Attack: Strategies for Getting Ready to Present." Workshop, Communication Studies Lab and Resource Center, San José State University (October 2004)

"Communication in the Classroom." Workshop, Communication Studies Lab and Resource Center, San José State University (November 2003)

Video Production Workshop Leader, Department of Speech Communication, Southern Illinois University (March 2002)

Discussion Facilitator, Graduate Teaching Assistant Orientation, Department of
Speech Communication, Southern Illinois University (August 2000)

Chair, Student Commencement Speakers Selection Committee (Spring 2010, Member Spring 2007-present)

Board of Directors, California State University, Stanislaus Faculty Mentor Program (Fall 2008-present)

Faculty Mentor, California State University, Stanislaus Faculty Mentor Program
(Fall 2006-present)

Academic Senator, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2008-present)

Principal Author, Academic Program Review, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Spring 2009)

Member, Curriculum Committee, College of Humanities and Social Sciences, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2009-present)

Member, Assessment Leadership Team, California State University, Stanislaus (Spring 2008-present)

Member, Self–Study Team, Inquiry Circle One (Engaging a Highly Diverse Student Population in Learning), California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2008- present)

Member, Support Unit Review for the Office of Institutional Research, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2009-present)

Member, Faculty Coordinator for the Assessment of Student Learning Search Committee (Spring 2009)

Program Assessment Coordinator, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2006-Present)

Coordinator/Advisor for the Communication Concentration in Liberal Studies, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2005-Present)

Head of the Communication Education Curriculum Area, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2005- Present)

Chair, Scheduling Committee, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2009-Present)

Chair, Curriculum and Resources Committee, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2008-Spring 2009)

Member, Curriculum and Resources Committee, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2006-Spring 2008)

Member, Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2006-Spring 2008)

Member, Scholarship Committee, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2006-Spring 2009)

Guest Presenter, New Student Orientation, California State University, Stanislaus
(July 2008)

Course Coordinator, Group Discussion Processes (COMM 2110), Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2006-Spring 2008)

Faculty Participant in the "Teacher Quality Enhancement Project," a collaboration among the Center For Research on Education, Diversity and Excellence at the University of California at Berkeley, California State University, Stanislaus and Modesto City Schools. Principal Investigator: Dr. Joan Wink (Winter 2006-Winter 2007)

Assistant to the Department Chair, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Fall 2006-Spring 2007)

Member of Search Committee, Department of Communication Studies, California State University, Stanislaus (Spring 2008, Spring 2007)

Invited Returning Faculty Participant, New Faculty Orientation, California State University, Stanislaus (August 2006)

Scheduled Respondent, "Top Papers in Communication and Instruction," Western States Communication Association convention, Anchorage, AK (March 2010)

Chair and Respondent, "Can I Get a Witness?: 'Saving' Ourselves from the First Church of Critical Dogma." Western States Communication Association convention, Phoenix, AZ (February 2009)

Respondent, "Critical Communication Pedagogy: Explorations in GTA Professional Development." Western States Communication Association convention,
Phoenix, AZ (February 2009)

Paper and Panel reviewer, Communication and Instruction Interest Group, Western States Communication Association convention, Seattle, WA (February 2008, reviewed September 2007)

Respondent, "Competitive Papers in Communication and Instruction II." Western States Communication Association convention, Bloomfield, CO (February 2008)

Chair and Respondent, "Performance on the Air: Examining Performance on the Radio and Radio as Performance." Western States Communication Association convention, Bloomfield, CO (February 2008)

Paper and panel reviewer, Communication and Instruction Interest Group, Western States Communication Association convention, Seattle, WA (February 2007, reviewed September 2006)

Respondent, "Pressing Issues in Communication and Instruction: Ethics, Gender, Race, and Difference." Western States Communication Association convention,
Seattle, WA (February 2007)

Chair, "Social Justice and Social Action By Way of the Classroom." Western States Communication Association convention, Seattle, WA (February 2007)

Respondent, "Connecting Performance and Pedagogy on Campus." National Communication Association convention, San Antonio, TX (November 2006)

Chair and Program Planner, Communication and Instruction Interest Group, Western States Communication Association (February 2005-February 2006)

Respondent, "Competitive Papers in Communication and Instruction." Western States Communication Association convention, Palm Springs, CA (February 2006)

Respondent, "Culture and Communication: Implications for Pedagogy." Western States Communication Association convention, Palm Springs, CA (February 2006) 

Paper reviewer, Intercultural Interest Group, Western States Communication Association convention, Palm Springs, CA (February 2006, reviewed October 2005)

Respondent, "Competitive Papers in Communication and Instruction II." Western States Communication Association convention, San Francisco, CA (February 2005)

Respondent, "Performing Response to Reading the News." Western States Communication Association convention, San Francisco, CA (February 2005)

Respondent, "Top Four Competitive Papers in Communication and Instruction." Western States Communication Association convention, San Francisco, CA (February 2005)

Chair and Facilitator, "Master Teacher Award." Western States Communication Association convention, San Francisco, CA (February 2005)

Vice chair, Communication and Instruction Interest Group, Western States Communication Association (February 2004-February 2005)

Panel reviewer, Performance Studies Interest Group, Western States Communication Association convention, San Francisco, CA (February 2005, reviewed October 2004)

Chair, Master Teacher Selection Committee, Communication and Instruction Interest Group, Western States Communication Association (October 2004)

Panel and paper reviewer, Communication and Instruction Interest Group, Western States Communication Association convention, San Francisco, CA, (February 2005, reviewed October 2004)

Videography, She Rises Like a Building to the Sky, by Mercilee Jenkins, San Francisco State University (May 2004)

Habitat for Humanity Volunteer, Jimmy Carter Work Project, Valdosta, GA (June 2003)

Video design and production, Burning Old Main, Marion Kleinau Theatre, Southern Illinois University (April 2002)

Sound production, Deconstructing the Oreo, Marion Kleinau Theatre, Southern Illinois University (January 2002)

"The Season," by Keith Nainby and John B. Pea, An Evening of Graduate Student Performances, Marion Kleinau Theatre, Southern Illinois University (August 2001)

Vice-president, Southern Illinois University Speech Communication Organization
(May 2000-April 2001)

Graduate Teaching Assistant Mentor, Department of Speech Communication, Southern Illinois University (Spring 2001, Fall 2000)

Speech Communication Department Undergraduate Curriculum Committee, Southern Illinois University (May 1999-April 2000)

Abbey Flybynight, by Margie Pignataro, Greylight Theatre Collective, Murphysboro, IL (October 1999)

"This Plagiarizing Hand," by Keith Nainby, Southern Illinois Regional Effort for AIDS Benefit, Carbondale, IL (July 1999)

Enemy Towers, by Kenneth Boe, Greylight Theatre Collective, Murphysboro, IL (April 1999)

Speech Communication Department Graduate Committee, Southern Illinois University (August 1998-April 1999)

Storyteller, Southern Illinois Community Schools (October 1998)

Guest Lecturer, Society and Gender (GEND 3550), California State University, Stanislaus (April 2009, April 2008)

Facilitator, Non–fiction Reading Group, California State University, Stanislaus Faculty Development Center (Fall 2009)

Participant, Pedagogy Reading Group, California State University, Stanislaus Faculty Development Center (Spring 2008)

Participant, "Playback Theatre and Community Action Workshop," Western States Communication Association convention, Palm Springs, CA, (February 2006)

Guest Lecturer, History of Jazz (MUS 3410), California State University, Stanislaus (October 2005)

Guest Performer, Storytelling (SPCM371), Southern Illinois University (March 1999)

Education and Social Theory Reading Group, Southern Illinois University (August 2000-May 2001)

Nominee, Elizabeth Anne B. Papageorge Award for Excellence in Teaching, California State University, Stanislaus (Spring 2010, Spring 2008)

College of Humanities and Social Sciences Celebration Award for Teaching, California State University, Stanislaus (May 2008)

Nominee, Elizabeth Anne B. Papageorge Faculty Development Award, California State University, Stanislaus (Spring 2008)

Faculty Appreciation Award, California State University, Stanislaus (Spring 2006)

Nominee for an ALS Celebration Award as "Junior Faculty with Outstanding Promise," California State University, Stanislaus (Spring 2006)

Named an Influential Professor in the life of a College of Social Sciences Dean's Scholar, San José State University (Spring 2006 and Spring 2005)

Kleinau Service Award, Performance Studies, Department of Communication, Southern Illinois University (May 2002)

Delyte and Dorothy Morris Doctoral Fellowship, Southern Illinois University
(August 1998-July 2001)

Nominee for the Thomas J. Pace Award for Excellence in Teaching, Southern Illinois University (April 2001)

Dean's List, Boston University (Four of seven semesters in undergraduate course work)

Finalist for National Merit Scholar, 1987

National Communication Association

Western States Communication Association