Important Announcement

All Programs PowerPoint

For general information regarding all programs and requirements to apply, please see our All Programs PowerPoint.

All Programs PowerPoint

Program Information

This page contains general information, class roadmaps, and course equivalencies for each teaching credential program. For more detailed information, please review the Teacher Education Handbook.

Thank you for your interest in the Multiple Subject Credential Program at Stanislaus State. The Multiple Subject Credential Program consists of three parts:

  1. Co-requisite Courses
  2. Program Courses
  3. Clinical Practice

Full-time students can complete the program in one year.  Students may also complete the program on a part-time basis, but must be prepared to be full-time students during the final semester in order to complete student teaching.  Student teaching at Stanislaus State requires a placement of 16 weeks at a school site. All placements begin when the school day begins.  Students are assigned to the school all day (M-F) and come to one of the campuses one day per week to take a three-hour course on classroom management and professional practices.  The credential program assigns the school and makes every effort to make the placement near each student’s place of residence.

Before students in the traditional credential program can begin student teaching, they must complete all co-requisite requirements, and pass CSET Multiple Subject Examination and meet the Basic Skills Requirement (CSET writing, CBEST, or EPT/ELM scores).  They must also complete program courses with a "B" average and no grade lower than a "C" in order to advance to the Student Teaching Semester. All students (non-emphasis or BCLAD emphasis) are required to have knowledge in second language learning and acquisition and experiences teaching English learners. 

Integrated Methods and Practice Program

The Integrated Methods and Practice Program offers students an opportunity to student teach part-time for a full year and to take courses at a slower pace.  Rather than having all the coursework completed before full-time student teaching, in the Integrated Program, students take courses concurrently with part-time student teaching.  At the end of the year, students will have completed the same requirements as the basic program; however, theory and practice were integrated throughout the full year.  Students must pass all parts of the CSET Examinations to qualify for this program.  Placements begin only in August and students must commit for the full year.  If interested, students may request this option at the MSCP Orientation meeting.

For more information regarding MSCP, please contact the MSCP Coordinator.

Document Information

MSCP Information.pdf

General information about the Multiple Subject Credential Program.
MSCP Class Roadmap.pdf This is the roadmap of classes required for the Multiple Subject Credential program.
MSCP Course Equivalencies.pdf A list of courses from UCs, Community Colleges, Private and Out-of-State schools, and other CSU campuses can be used to fulfill MSCP requirements.

Thank you for your interest in the Single Subject Credential Program at Stanislaus State. All credential programs in the State of California are reviewed regularly by the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing (CCTC).  We have a variety of program options:  Field Site Centers for student teachers, Bilingual certification, and the Scott Bill.  Each is described in the SSCP handbook. 

The Single Subject Credential Program at Stanislaus State can be completed in one academic year; however, some students do elect to take the program on a part-time basis and may take longer to complete.  Candidates may begin the program in the fall or spring. For more information regarding the Single Subject Credential Program, contact the SSCP Coordinator or review the following information:

Document Information
SSCP Information.pdf General information about the Single Subject Credential Program. Please review prior to applying to program.
SSCP Class Roadmap.pdf This is the roadmap of classes required for the Single Subject Credential Program.
SSCP Course Equivalencies.pdf A list of courses from UCs, Community Colleges, Private and Out-of-State schools, and other CSU campuses can be used to fulfill SSCP requirements.

Thank you for your interest in the Education Specialist Credential Program at Stanislaus State. California State University, Stanislaus is authorized to recommend individuals for Preliminary Education Specialist Credentials in two areas: 

  • Mild/Moderate Support Needs
  • Extensive Support Needs

The Preliminary programs prepare individuals to perform responsibilities of entry-level special education teachers.  It is recommended that undergraduates seeking admission to the Preliminary Education Specialist Credential enroll in the Liberal Studies major with a concentration in Exceptional Children and Youth.

This is a preliminary credential offered through the Department of Teacher Education. A prerequisite teaching credential, Multiple or Single Subject, is not required to obtain the Preliminary Education Specialist Credential. For more information regarding the Education Specialist Credential Program, please contact the ESCP coordinator or review the following information:

Document Information
ESCP Information.pdf General information about the Education Specialist Credential Program. Please review prior to applying to the program.
ESCP Mild/Mod Class Advising Form.pdf This is the roadmap of classes required for the ESCP Mild to Moderate Support Needs program.
ESCP ESN Class Advising Form.pdf This is the roadmap of classes required for the ESCP Extensive Support Needs program.
Concurrent ESCP & MSCP Information.pdf General information about the Concurrent ESCP/MSCP options. Please review prior to applying to the program.
Concurrent Mild/Mod Class Advising Form.pdf This is the roadmap of classes required for Mild to Moderate Support Needs Concurrent with the Multiple Subject program.
Concurrent ESN Class Advising Form.pdf This is the roadmap of classes required for Extensive Support Needs Concurrent with the Multiple Subject program.

ESCP Course Equivalencies

A list of courses from UCs, Community Colleges, Private and Out-of-State schools, and other CSU campuses can be used to fulfill ESCP requirements.

Updated: December 04, 2024