Report suspicious persons, vehicles or activities immediately to:
Turlock campus
University Police at (209) 667-3911 or anonymously online. In an emergency, dial 911 or use a blue light phone.
Stockton Campus
Securitas Security at (209) 715-0650, in an emergency, dial 911, or anonymously online.
Prevention Tips
- Lock vehicle doors and close the windows.
- Hide valuables. If possible do not leave valuables in your vehicle. If you must leave valuables in your vehicle, place them in the trunk prior to reaching your destination.
- Park in well-lit areas.
- Scan the area before you exit or approach your building or vehicle while you proceed between sites.
- Have your key ready in hand to quickly access the door of your building or vehicle.
- Do not prop open doors, thwart security measures or let strangers in.
- Stay alert and trust your instincts.
- Walk in a group.
- Tell your friends and/or roommates where you are going and when you plan to return.
- Turn down the volume of your headphones to enhance your awareness of your surroundings.
- Report suspicious vehicles and behavior to the police immediately.
- Know where the emergency call boxes are on campus and learn how to use them.
- If you are being followed, change direction and go to the nearest home or business; knock on the door, and request that someone call the police. Note the description of the person following you.
On-Campus Resources:
Warrior Express Safety Shuttles
Text your location and destination to 277-8940 or call 667-3114.
Shuttles are available Monday to Thursday, 6-11 p.m., and Friday 6-10 p.m.
Psychological Counseling Services
(209) 667-3381
Office hours: Monday-Friday,
8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Victim Advocate
(209) 667-3993
Science 1, Room 234
Contact Information Link
Filing a Title IX Complaint
Contact Title IX Coordinator Paul Norris at (209) 667-3868, Mary Stuart Rogers Building, Suite 340.
Equity Programs & Compliance Link
Employee Assistance Provider
(800) 367-7474
Located at lifematters.com
Incidents occurring off campus within the city limits can be reported to the Turlock Police Department at 209-668-1200.
Updated: November 29, 2023