laptop hands

Tech Checkout Request

Need to check out a laptop? No worries, OIT is here to help. Click on one of the buttons below that best match your description.

Faculty/Staff Links:

Tech Checkout Request

Mobile Hotspot Request

NOTE: OIT tech requests are limited while supplies last.

Not sure what you will need for the upcoming semester?

As the new semester starts to get closer, and more of a reality for us all, it can be intimidating to think of what you will need to be successful. Below are a few items OIT feels you should think about-


A reliable computer and internet access

You will need a reliable computer that operates at a good speed and is able to hand a variety of different programs running at the same time. This doesn't mean you need to have the top of the line computer or laptop, but you should feel like you can trust your machine to handle Zoom, Office365, and maybe a few internet pages open per your class discussion.

OIT has laptops and other items ready to be reserved and checked out, but it is not an infinite supply. So be sure to reserve these items by clicking on the correct link above.


Any necessary software

As your professors begin to reach out to you, and inform you of which software you may need to complete your work for class, be sure to check OIT's Licensed Software Tools page to see if we are already offering the software to you for free. If you don't see it listed, please feel free to contact us. OIT still might be able to help you.


Other items that might prove to be helpful

A few other items that OIT does not give out, but we recommend you having are:

  • A comfortable chair - depending on your schedule, you may find yourself sitting for multiple hours at a time in a single spot. A comfortable chair can make all the difference.
  • A separate workspace - while the couch or bed sounds comfortable, a desk space will help keep you focused and on task.
  • Earphones or earbuds - whether you are at home by yourself or sharing the living space, having the earphones or earbuds can help cancel out the extra noises around you, and also help keep you focused on what is being said during lectures.
  • Printer and printer paper - even though many assignments will be submitted online, you may still want to keep a printed copy for your records. There also may be a few lectures notes that you would rather have printed out versus saved on your desktop.
  • Traditional school supplies
  • An online or paper calendar

Updated: October 16, 2024