The California Dream Act of 2011 allows students who meet AB540 criteria to apply for and receive certain state and institutional financial assistance programs.
- The student must have attended a high school (public or private) in California for three or more years
- The student must have graduated from a California high school or attained the equivalent prior to the start of the term (for example: passed the GED or California High School Proficiency exam)
- A student who is without lawful immigration status must file an AB540 Affidavit (California Non-Resident Tuition Exemption Request form) with the college or university stating that he or she has filed an application to legalize his or her immigration status, or will file an application as soon as he or she is eligible to do so
- Complete and submit the affidavit to the Admissions department
If the student has NOT attended a California High School for at least three years, the student can meet the AB540 eligibility by:
- Attaining three years' worth of high school credits from a California High School
- A total of three years or more years of attendance in a California elementary or secondary schools, or a combination of those schools (the years do not have to be sequential)
Grants and Scholarships
AB 131 allows student who qualify under the AB540 to apply for and receive state-funded financial aid such as institutional grants, community college fee waivers, Cal Grant and Chafee Grant. As such, eligible AB540 students at Stanislaus State who complete the California Dream Application will be considered for funding.
What is the minimum enrollment to remain eligible?
Be aware that some programs may require full-time enrollment.
As of the 2015-2016 year the California DREAM Loan program will be available for AB540 students. The California Dream Loan is a subsidized loan program for undergraduate students with a valid California Dream Act application and a valid AB540 affidavit on field with Stanislaus State. For further details please visit the California Dream Loan informational page.
What is the minimum enrollment to remain eligible?
This program requires at least 1/2-time enrollment in order to maintain eligibility. Be aware that some programs may require full-time enrollment.
Deadline for priority consideration is March 2nd of every year.
To apply for the programs available under AB131 you will use the Dream Application which will be available to students beginning October 1st of every year. The Dream Application will collect basic personal and income information to determine student eligibility for funding under AB131.
Students will need to complete the Dream Application every year to determine eligibility for state and institutional aid. Students should complete and submit the Stanislaus State AB540 Affidavit (California Non-Resident Tuition Exemption Request form) in order to begin a review of your eligibility.
Yes, if you are a male between the ages of 18 and 25, you are required to register for selective service (SSS) before receiving state financial aid. The California Dream Act application will ask you if you want to the California Student Aid Commission to register you through a secure electronic data exchange with the SSS or you can complete and mail the paper SSS registration form to the SSS department.
California State University, Stanislaus will receive your Dream Application information electronically once it is processed. We will then send you an electronic communication notifying you of any documents we need from you in order to determine financial aid eligibility.
Note: All of your requested documents must be completed and you must be admitted at Stanislaus State before you can receive a financial aid offer.
Updated: April 29, 2022