Resources for Academic and Professional Writing

Materials and links on the topics below are available to use online while in the Writing Center or off-campus working on writing projects. Some materials are available as PDFs if you would like to print them for reference.

W.O.R.D. is available for students to use at any time, but it is best used to supplement a weekly tutoring appointment. If you do not already have a weekly tutoring session, schedule one on StanTutor. 

"Why Visit Your Campus Writing Center?" by Ben Rafoth

Citation and Plagiarism Issues

Plagiarism, both intentional and unintentional, is often a problem when writers attempt to research and integrate others' voices into their writing.  However, with some guidance and an adequate amount of time and preparation devoted to a writing assignment, you can avoid any bad habits that lead to plagiarism.


Updated: April 15, 2024