Why Asynchronous Tutoring?

For our unique student population, the Writing Center provides support in a manner consistent with the learning experience, which for many is primarily online and asynchronous.

  • Available for students enrolled at the Stockton Campus, in our graduate programs, and in University Extended Ed programs!
  • Asynchronous Tutoring takes place over a span of time that allows the writer and tutor to exchange writing samples and feedback.
  • Writers schedule appointments and submit their documents through StanTutor.
  • Tutors review and return writing documents within 2 business days.

Schedule an Appointment

  • Log into StanTutor.
  • Click "Schedule an Appointment" to open the scheduling assistant.
  • Choose the "Subject/Course" for which you need writing tutoring.
  • In the "Choose a Service/Reason" dropdown menu, choose "Asynchronous Review."
  • Select your preferred date, time, and tutor.
  • Click "Confirm" to save.
  • After saving the appointment, go to the "Document Tab" in your appointment window.
  • Either upload your document or insert the link to the online document you'd like reviewed. If inserting a link, make sure you have enabled access.
  • In the notes, please provide details about your writing goals and the concerns the tutor should prioritize.
  • Click "Confirm" again to finish the booking process.
Ink pen writing on paper

What to Expect 

The writer and tutor work in collaboration to accomplish various goals, which may include:

  • Identifying the purpose and goals of various writing situations and assignments.
  • Developing ideas and determining a focus.
  • Organizing and planning out a writing project.
  • Developing strategies for revising, proofreading, and editing.
  • Identifying and modifying any sentence-level errors or issues with grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Tutors do not edit or fix documents!

The writer makes all revisions and edits themselves, even with sentence-level issues or grammar.


Updated: August 13, 2023