CEGE (Center for Excellence in Graduate Education)

Graduate students can make appointments with faculty writing consultants through StanTutor to get feedback and guidance on their writing. Faculty writing coaches provide feedback on organization, clarity, the development and support of ideas, writing style, syntax, and audience.

Student Assosciation Officers 2021-2022

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Student Association Faculty Advisor


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Shakira Gibson

Finance Facilitator

"Hello, my name is Shakira Gibson. “I the Finance Facilitator with the Master of Social Work Student Association (MSWSA)”.


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Rosaura Gonzalez

"I am Rosaura Gonzalez and I am the Co-Facilitator. I am a second year MSW students and is interested in pursuing a career within the aging population. I am excited to start the semester as the Co-Facilitator with my colleagues and I hope that all cohorts feel supported from the MSWSA."


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Caity Turner



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Louise K. Barros

Event Facilitator

"As you enter positions of trust and power, dream a little before you think."


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Thalia Castaneda

Communications Facilitator

Program Curriculum Schedules & Resources

Required Courses

Course Number Course Unit(s)
SW5000 Social Justice in Social Work 3 Units
SW 5001 Social Welfare Policy and Services for Social Justice I 4 units
SW 5002 Social Welfare Policy and Services for Social Justice II 3 units
SW 5005 Human Behavior and the Social Environment I 3 units
SW 5010 Human Behavior and the Social Environment II 3 units
SW 5020 Social Work Research Methods 3 units
SW 5025 Current Trends in Social Work Research 3 units
SW 5030 Foundation I: Generalist SW Practice Using a Strengths Perspective 3 units
SW 5031 Foundation II: Generalist SW Practice Using a Strengths Perspective 3 units
SW 5032 Advanced Integrative Practice with Children, Adults, and Families 3 units
SW 5033 Advanced Integrative Social Work Practice with Groups 3 units
SW 5034 Advanced Social Work Practice with Communities and Organizations 3 units
SW 5040 Field Instruction I (must repeat for a total of 6 units) 3 units
SW 5041 Field Instruction II (must repeat for a total of 6 units) 3 units
SW 5960 Graduate Project Advising I (1 unit) and *must repeat for a total of 2 units 2 Units
SW 5962  Graduate Project Advising II (1 unit)  or

SW 5990 - Thesis Advising I (1 unit) and *must repeat for a total of 2 units
SW 5992 - Thesis Advising II (1 unit)


SW 5975 - Culminating Seminar (3 units)


Course Number Course Unit(s)
SW 5011 Psycho-Social Assessment 3 units
SW 5012 Integrated Behavioral Health: Recovery, Resilience, Wellness 3 units
SW 5013 Social Work Practice with Death, Grief, and Loss 3 units
SW 5014 Law and Ethics in Social Work Practice 3 units
SW 5016 Social Work Practice with Trauma Survivors 3 units
SW 5017 Social Work in Healthcare 3 units
SW 5042 SW Practice with Children & Adolescents Involved in the Justice System 3 units
SW 5043 Advanced Assessment and Intervention in Child Abuse and Neglect 3 units
SW 5055 Social Work Practice: Addictions 3 units
SW 5056 Cultural Competency for Supervision and Training 1 unit
SW 5058 Gerontological Social Work 3 units
SW 5950 Selected Topics in Social Work (Topics vary each term) 1-5 units
SW 5060 Child Welfare Information Systems 1 unit

The MSW Program is a sixty (60) unit curriculum, accomplished in either four semesters or six semesters.

Updated: November 21, 2024