MSW Practicum

Four semesters of supervised practicum in a social work agency are part of the core curriculum. Students are expected to be in their placements during the agency's normal hours of operation. No credit is given for life experience or previous work experience. Practicum is a central component of social work education. The practicum provides a comprehensive supervised practice experience, which consolidates content presented in the classroom. The practicum provides students with the opportunity to apply foundation knowledge, skills, values and ethics, and practice skills to enhance the well being of people and ameliorate environmental conditions that adversely affect people. It is essential for professional development that social work students demonstrate knowledge, values and skills of social work practice within the context of the practicum. Practicum placements provide students with a range of learning assignments encompassing areas of social work practice. The practicum is a supervised experience affording students the opportunity to develop a range of professional practice skills and to evaluate the effectiveness of their interventions.

Students must complete 250 agency practicum hours per semester (500 hours for each academic year), attend all seminars, and successfully complete the Learning Plan competencies in order to receive a passing grade for SW5040 or SW5041.  Students in the hybrid program complete 500 practicum hours each summer.  All students must complete a total of 1,000 practicum hours.

Fall 2024 Practicum Educator Trainings

All new Field Instructors and Task Supervisors MUST attend one (1) practicum training. All field instructors should attend training every 3 years. With the implementation of our new practicum software system, CalState S4, we encourage all practicum educators to attend a training this in Fall 2024. Trainings are free including CEUs. Each training session meets the qualifications for 4 hours of continuing education credit as required by the Board of Behavioral Sciences for MFTs and LCSWs. (Provider Number PCE784).

Basic Practicum Educator Training

  • Wednesday, August 28th, 1pm – 5pm on the Turlock Campus, MSR 130
  • Wednesday, September 4th, 1PM – 5 PM being held via Zoom*

*Zoom training link will be provided with registration confirmation from the Practicum Education Office.

Advanced Practicum Educator Training (clinical placements)

  • Friday, September 13th, 9am - 1pm Stanislaus BHRS Training Department 

Additional information for all trainings will be provided.

Questions? Email:

Frequently Asked Questions

Refer to the Practicum Education FAQs and the MSW Practicum Manual

General questions regarding the state-side practicum program can be emailed to 

For Title IV-E questions, email Jenell Thompson at The placement process for the Title IV-E Child Welfare Training Program is different than traditional non-IV-E placements based on grant requirements and other particulars.

Practicum Calendars & Forms

Employment-based Practicum Placement

Interns requesting an employer placement must review the following guidelines:

Stateside Practicum Program

Hybrid Practicum Program

New Practicum Placement Agencies

Please complete the online MSW Practicum Partner Information Form (PIF)


*Coming soon!! Please check back later.

Updated: October 10, 2024