In Case of an Injury, Illness, Incident or Near Miss:

If the injury or illness is life-threatening or requires immediate medical attention, call 911. Examples of injuries or illnesses that might require immediate medical attention include but are not limited to persistent or sudden chest pain, breathing emergencies (choking, etc.), uncontrollable bleeding, unconscious or altered level of consciousness, life-threatening injuries, such as injuries from falling, severe head injuries, severe burn, etc.

To report an injury, illness, incident or near miss, please complete the Campus Injury Report Form; the same form is used for supervisors, employees, students, or others.

Campus Injury Report Form

Visit the Emergency website for more information on medical emergencies.

Injury Report

(including student assistants and volunteer employees)

Stanislaus State provides Workers’ Compensation coverage, as required by law, for employees who are injured during the course and scope of employment.

For all other work related illness, incident or injury, please refer to our Benefits and Worker's Compensation Office at extension 6921, or visit the Worker's Compensation web page.

If the incident is minor in nature and only requires first aid treatment (minor cuts, abrasions, splinters), the student should report to the department or employee where the incident occurred or report directly to the Student Health Center. A Report of Injury form should be completed by the department or employee taking the report.

For injury or illness that requires medical treatment off-campus, the student's own medical insurance is primary and should be used to secure medical care.

It is the community member’s responsibility to secure medical treatment for their injury or illness. When possible, the department or employee witnessing the illness, incident or injury should complete a Report of Injury form.


  • A near miss is an unplanned event that did not result in injury, illness, or damage – but had the potential to do so. Only a fortunate break in the chain of events prevented an injury, fatality or damage; in other words, a miss that was nonetheless very near.

  • A near miss can be reported on the injury report form or the Report a Safety Concern form.

  • Safety & Risk Management encourage the reporting of near misses in order to give us the opportunity to possibly mitigate an actual injury or incident from occurring in the future.

What is the difference between an incident, injury and illness?

  • An incident is an accidental work injury or exposure that does not require medical care beyond in-house First Aid.
  • An incident report notifies the employer that a worker had an accidental injury or exposure that may result in a claim or need for medical treatment in the future.

  • An incident report is converted to an injury claim when the accidental work injury or exposure requires  licensed medical  care for the condition. An injury may result in death or require lost time from work.

  • An incident or injury becomes an illness when for no observable reason an individual becomes ill.  It is also known as a sudden illness becomes it comes on suddenly. An illness may or may not require medical care.  Examples can include but are not limited to fainting, sudden chest pains, vomiting, seizures, etc.

Updated: May 16, 2024