Welcome to the Pre-Law Resource Center’s Upcoming Events page. You’ll find links and information about LSAT prep, law school fairs, internship opportunities, and other important events here. Please email Dr. Wilson to have events added to this page.

PRE LAW 101: VOICES FROM WARRIOR LAWYERS - April 30, 4 pm (Zoom and in person) 

Interested in a career in law? Join Pre-law advisor Prof. Wilson and former students as they lay out the basics of pre-law and the law school admissions process. Hear from a panel of Warriors in various stages of their law school experience. Our future Warrior lawyers are excited to describe their application and school selection experiences, and eager to reveal the mysteries of life in law schools across the country. Join us in person in room 204 of the Student Center or join the Zoom meeting to hear their stories, ask questions, and learn about learning the law. Open to all students and faculty.

Register for Pre-law 101: Voices From Warrior Lawyers


Wednesday, April 12, 5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
Snider Recital Hall

Free Event Open to the Public: students, faculty, staff, and campus community are welcome

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Manohar Raju

Manojar Rahu

San Francisco Public Defender

Jacque Wilson

Jacque Wilson

Senior Trial Lawyer
Stan State '97

May 5, 2022, 5:30 – 8:00 p.m.
Snider Recital Hall

Free Film with introductions and Q & A after the film featuring guest speakers Matt Gonzalez and Francisco Ugarte from the San Francisco Public Defender's Office.

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Interested in a career in law? Pre-law advisers Prof. Wilson and Prof. Routh will lay out the basics of pre-law and the law school admissions process, and they'll be joined by a panel of Warriors in various stages of their law school experience. Our future Warrior lawyers are excited to describe their application and school selection experiences, and eager to reveal the mysteries of life in law schools across the country. Currently, Stan Stat grads are learning the law at UC Davis, Hastings, McGeorge, Golden Gate, University of Indiana, Washington University (St. Louis), and University of Massachusetts (Dartmouth). Join the Zoom meeting to hear their stories, ask questions, and learn about learning the law. Open to all students and faculty. Sponsored by the Pre-Law Resource Center and the Pre Law Society.

Time March 24, 2022 4 - 6 pm
Location Live in-Person Event: B111 (Bizzini)

Download Intro to Pre Law: Voices from Warrior Law Students flyer (PDF)

Interested in a career in law? Pre-law advisers Prof. Wilson and Prof. Routh will lay out the basics of pre-law and the law school admissions process, and they'll be joined by a panel of Warriors in various stages of their law school experience. Our future Warrior lawyers are excited to describe their application and school selection experiences, and eager to reveal the mysteries of life in law schools across the country. Currently, Stan Stat grads are learning the law at UC Davis, Hastings, McGeorge, Golden Gate, University of Indiana, Washington University (St. Louis), and University of Massachusetts (Dartmouth). Join the Zoom meeting to hear their stories, ask questions, and learn about learning the law. Open to all students and faculty. Sponsored by the Pre-Law Resource Center and the Pre Law Society.

Time Feb. 26, 2021, 2-4 p.m.
Location Zoom

Moot Court Team headed to the Western Regional Moot Court Tournament!

Pre Law Resource Center coordinator Blake Wilson (Criminal Justice) is coaching the first-ever Stan State Moot Court Tournament team in preparation for its upcoming competition at the Western Regional Moot Court Competition, to be held at Fresno State on November 1 and 2, 2019 from 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. The students, known as 'attorney-contestants,' are enrolled in Coach Wilson's CJ 3125 Moot Court class, launched this semester as the foundation for competition in both the Regional Moot Court Tournament as well as the intramural tournament taking place at the end of the semester. Let's cheer on our Semantic Warriors as they perfect their oral argument skills and learn what it's like to argue a case (and maybe win it) before the United States Supreme Court! Please contact Prof Wilson for more information. 

Stay tuned for dates and times for upcoming visits from admissions directors at Golden Gate, Hastings, and Berkeley law schools! 

CJ 4945 Court Observer Program This three-credit (3.0) Court Observer Program is designed for the student as a transitional tool from the academic world to the legal profession. Selected students will meet weekly at the Stanislaus Superior Court and observe court proceedings with the cooperation of local judges. There will also be regular meetings with the faculty member overseeing this Program, wherein students and the faculty member will discuss the students’ experiences and observations at Court. During the course of this program, students will apply the theoretical knowledge they acquired in the classroom to practical situations in a working professional environment. Students must attend their assigned court for 120 hours.

Prerequisites: CJ 2250, 2255, 2280 or consent of instructor. Participation in this program requires an application, interview, and approval of the instructor and/or agency representative. Open to all students.

Updated: October 15, 2024