If you have already registered for Moot Court (CJ3125) or if you are thinking about registering for it, you've come to the right place. Around one month into the semester (late September), this class will break out into two sections: five teams of two students each (ten students total) will be selected to compete in the American Moot Court Association's Western Regional Tournament in November at CSU Fresno–think of this as the varsity travelling team. The remaining students will compete against each other intramurally on campus at the end of the semester–junior varsity, so to speak. Coach Blake Wilson will be selecting the Tournament Team based on a variety of factors, including seniority, expressed interest, participation in last year's class, and ability. No matter which team you end up on, you'll be dealing with The Problem.
What's The Problem?
The Problem is the hypothetical case that moot court students around the country use each year for both on-campus and regional tournament competitions. Here is The Problem (a hypothetical case before the Supreme Court) for the 2022-2023 competitions:
View ACMA Case May 1, 2022-2023.pdf
The 2024-25 season case will be released in May. The best teams begin working on The Problem right away.
We want to be among those teams.
In 2019, Stan State Warrior Mooters argued their hearts out at Fresno, and one team made it into the "Sweet 16" semi-finals. Not too shabby, considering it was our first time! In 2022 we regrouped and rallied and made it to the Sweet 16 again:
Stan State Competes in Moot Court Association's Western Regional Tournament
A team of great mooters begins now. Please visit the American Moot Court Association's main page.
Take a look around. Watch the videos. Read the old Problems. Most importantly, download and read the current case Problem (above). You'll live and breath it at minimum from late August to early December. But we're getting started early. If you're already registered, Coach Wilson already has your info. If you're planning on registering or just curious, email Coach Wilson now to be placed on the list. Like the top teams, we're going to be working on The Problem over the summer. Sound fun? Come find out.
Please note: CJ3125 counts for three CJ Elective units, three units in the Service/Learning requirement for the pre-law minor, or three general units towards the 120 units required to graduate.
Updated: April 12, 2024