Basic Needs works with local organizations to help you meet your needs as fully as possible, in addition to the services we provide here at Stanislaus State. You can use these lists to assist you in identifying other organizations that may be able to offer you additional resources and assistance. Don't hesitate to contact our office for clarification and support in understanding these resources. 


Call 2-1-1 for referrals to local health, human, and social services resources. They are here to help, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. 

Merced County

Dial: 2-1-1 or 1-209-383-4242

211 Merced County

Contact Us 

San Joaquin County

Dial: 2-1-1 or 1-800-436-9997


211 San Joaquin County

Contact Us

Stanislaus County

Dial: 2-1-1- or 1-877-211-7826

211 Stanislaus County

Contact Us

Off-Campus Food Resources

Please call each referral for more information on services provided, hours of operation and any requirements. 

Merced County 

San Joaquin County 

Stanislaus County

Person handing a can to someone else with people in the background preparing food boxes

Updated: April 17, 2024