Program Revisions

Modifications (including sub-programs, i.e. concentrations, emphasis, tracks, minors, as well as certificate and credential) are completed in Curriculog, a paperless curriculum management system. Contact the Curriculum Specialist for more information. Please use the following links to navigate to the appropriate section for more information on how to propose these changes:

  1. Originator
    Faculty Member and/or Department Chair originates proposal in Curriculog.
  2. Technical Review
    Curriculum Coordinator ensures form is completed correctly.
  3. Department & College Approval
    Department Curriculum Committee, Department Chair, College Curriculum Committee, and College Dean review and approve the proposal. 
  4. Office of Professional, Community, and Global Engagement 
    Proposals within Self Support Mode. 
  5. University Educational Policies Committee or Graduate Council 
    Revised programs are reviewed by University Educational Policies Committee (UEPC) or Graduate Council only if any of the following apply:
    • Increase in Total Units of Degree Program
    • Effect on Other Programs
    • Increase in Resources
    • Changing Planned Modality of a Degree
    • Changing a Degree Title or Suggesting a New Code
    • Changing Concentration Titles of a Degree
    • Changing the Degree Designation of a Program
    • Elevating Options and Concentrations to a Full Degree
    • Converting Self-Support to State Support Programs
    • Adding a Self-Support Version of a State-Support Offering
  6. Associate Vice President of Academic Affairs (AVPAA)
  7. Senate Executive Committee (SEC) (via Curriculum Analyst)
    Revised programs are reviewed by reviewers 6-10 only if any of the following apply:
    o   Changing Planned Modality of a Degree
    o   Changing a Degree Title or Suggesting a New Code
    o   Changing Concentration Titles of a Degree
    o   Changing the Degree Designation of a Program
    o   Elevating Options and Concentrations to a Full Degree
    o   Converting Self-Support to State Support Programs
    o   Adding a Self-Support Version of a State-Support Offering
  8. Academic Senate (via Curriculum Analyst)
  9. University President (via Curriculum Analyst)
  10. Assessment Specialist (WASC Screening Form) for Elevating Options and Concentrations to a Full Degree (via Curriculum Analyst)
    After campus approvals of new degree program proposals, the Office of Academic Programs will submit the new certificate to Stanislaus State's accrediting body, WASC Senior College and University's (WSCUC) through their “screening form."  The review will ensure that the program does not represent a significant departure from the institution’s offerings since the last reaffirmation of accreditation visit. If the program does this, a Substantive Change Review will be required.
  11. Chancellor's Office Approval​​​​​ 
  12. Enrollment Services (Notification Purposes Only)

Degree Audit

All program modifications proposals for undergraduate programs must include a degree audit. 

2024-25 Degree Audit Form




As with proposals for new degree programs, elevating an option or concentration to a full degree program should reflect the needs of the students and the state, be broadly based, and demonstrate depth, relevancy and applicability to the real world of work. Board of Trustees guidelines prohibit proliferation of degrees and degree terminology.

A Curriculog form is available for this process. An implementation proposal using the Elevating Options or Concentrations to a Full Degree Program Template is required when requesting to elevate a formal option, concentration, or emphasis to a full degree program. Attach this template to the Curriculog proposal.

It is crucial that each proposal must include:

  1. A program overview, a description of the program’s fit with the institutional mission or institutional learning outcomes, and a rationale for elevating the option or concentration at this time;
  2. The proposed catalog copy including the program description, degree requirements and admission requirements, (including course catalog numbers, titles, course units), and admission requirements. For master’s degrees, please also include catalog copy describing the culminating experience requirement(s);
  3. A side-by-side comparison showing the course requirements of the existing degree major and concentration on one side and the proposed new major on the other;
  4. A comprehensive assessment plan addressing all assessment elements and a curriculum map matrix showing where student learning outcomes are introduced (I), developed (D), and mastered (M);
  5. Enrollment numbers in the option for the past three to five years;
  6. Teach-out policy language to accommodate those students who will complete the original program with the option or concentration;
  7. Evidence the current option will be discontinued once all existing students exit the program;
  8. Documentation of the campus approval process (Department Curriculum Committee & Chair, College Curriculum Committee and Dean, AVPAA, UEPC/Graduate Council, Academic Senate, President) with written evidence from the Dean and/or Provost of continued administrative support to sustain the stand-alone program. 

The elevation process requires system-level review and approval. To merit approval, the new degree program must not have significant overlap with the requirements of the existing full degree program from which it was derived.

The existing concentration will need to be discontinued when the degree elevation is approved.

Self-support and state-support programs both have to be proposed to the Chancellor's Office, as do proposals to convert an authorized self-support degree program to state support. While Chancellor’s Office review is required, the proposal will not need to duplicate the information submitted in the original special sessions proposal, and the traditional implementation proposal format for new degree programs is not necessary. Instead, a proposal to convert a self-support to state-support program includes:

  1. Program description;
  2. Rationale for making the change; and
  3. Documentation of resources and faculty support, budget, enrollment, need, and the anticipated impact on the community.

In converting to state-funded programs, the revised budget is the primary focus of concern. Campus approvals are required before the Office of Academic Programs forwards a proposal to the Chancellor's Office. 

A Curriculog form is available for this process.

From Executive Order 1099, section 11. Implementation Procedures:

Prior to implementation, all extended education instruction shall have been approved under procedures in place for state-supported instruction, and all academic policies governing self-support instruction shall be identical to or established under the same procedures as those governing state-supported instruction. Implementing a Self-Support Version of an Existing State- Support Program

Before implementing a self-support counterpart of a previously approved state-supported degree program (degree type and title), Chancellor’s Office written approval is required.

The proposal shall include:

  1. Confirmation the existing state-support offering is not being supplanted;
  2. Specification of the program’s qualification(s) to operate as a self-support special session (per EO 1099);
  3. Rationale for the new support mode;
  4. Detailed cost-recovery budget specifying student fees per unit and total student cost to complete the program;
  5. Anticipated enrollment;
  6. Campus commitment to provide adequate faculty resources; and
  7. Anticipated impact on the existing state-support program.

Subsequent to obtaining requisite campus approvals and Chancellor’s Office written approvals, a campus may operate degree programs in state-support mode, self-support mode, or both, subject to the prohibition against supplanting. 

A Curriculog form is available for this process.

Other Program Revisions may be revising the catalog description, admission requirements, curriculum schema, or total units. A Curriculog form is available for this process: "Program/Sub-Program (Modify)" For detailed instructions on completing a program modification proposal, reference the Curriculog Training Manual or contact your Curriculum Specialist for more information.

Updated: July 19, 2024