(1) Establish, enhance, and support a culture of continuous academic excellence in a learning-centered university through

  1. Ensuring the primacy of instruction and scholarship through direct support and high quality infrastructure support services.
  2. Promoting student academic success by continuing to improve key elements such as student advising, career development, course availability with effective scheduling, financial aid and scholarships, and experiences for new students.
  3. Hiring and retaining high quality, diverse faculty and staff by supporting dedicated recruitment efforts, fostering professional development, offering competitive salaries, and assuring that workloads are appropriate.
  4. Maintaining a healthy, safe environment conducive to learning.
  5. Emphasizing academic technology and library in support of effective learning.

(2) Build a broad, collaborative, and inclusive learning-centered organization by

  1. Incorporating a collaborative problem-solving process.
  2. Emphasizing the particular strengths that differentiate Stanislaus State from other universities.
  3. Producing and implementing a strategic plan linked to assessment, data, and budget to inform decision-making.
  4. Implementing academic program and support unit assessment processes.
  5. Enhancing regular and effective internal and external communication.
  6. Building and supporting mutually beneficial internal and external partnerships to promote academic excellence.

Revision Approved by USGPC 05/14/04 
1.a. Modified with approval of SPSC and USGPC, 6/29/04

Updated: April 02, 2024