A Sense of Place, Inclusion, Transformation, and Future
University Strategic Plan 2017-2025
18/AS/17/AS California State University Stanislaus Strategic Plan 2017-2025
RESOLVED: That the Academic Senate of California State University Stanislaus recommends the attached Strategic Plan for the approval of the President.
RATIONALE: The previous Strategic Plan, developed and approved in 2007, guided the University’s action from 2007 to 2012.
The proposed strategic plan will guide the campus decision-making process for the next eight years. It was developed through open, collaborative discussions with and among all stakeholders, and has been revised into its current form. Within faculty governance structures, the various governance committees were consulted by the Strategic Plan Working Group, before, during, and after the drafting of the Plan.
As it states in the introduction to the Plan, “The plan represents a distillation of ideas and articulates a shared vision and a roadmap to reach goals and implement necessary strategies to realize that vision.”
The goals in the strategic plan reflect and are built on our Mission, Vision, Values, and Diversity Statements.
The Academic Senate thanks the Working Group, and acknowledges with gratitude the administration’s demonstration of genuine consultation and collaboration in the process of forming the Plan.
Unanimously Approved by the Academic Senate without abstention on 10/31/17 Approved by President Ellen Junn on 11/28/17
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Updated: April 02, 2024