September 2017

The UPSC will utilize Poll Everywhere to solicit feedback today. The polls are open NOW and will remain open until 5pm tomorrow. View the polls and send in your feedback. You can also participate in real time from the audience or while watching the livestream.

Dear Campus Community,

On behalf of the University Strategic Planning Council, I wanted to write to you today to provide a quick update on the strategic planning process and to invite you to a very important open forum coming up next week. Since we broke for the summertime, we have spent time absorbing feedback received last semester and adjusting language to reflect the thoughtful improvements suggested by various constituent groups. The resulting document is truly a community-created blueprint for Stanislaus State’s exciting years ahead. We believe it reflects our shared goals for what we want to accomplish together.

This Monday, September 18th at 10:30am in Snider Hall, we want to gather together again so that we can hear from you. Whether you are deeply involved in the creation of the plan, have been to past forums, or perhaps you are reading it for the first time now, we want to hear from you. Come tell us how it looks so far. Does the latest version adequately capture our aspirations for the future? Have we overlooked an important element in the plan? We need your input!

The creation of this plan has been such a collaborative and enriching process. I hope you will join us on Monday and continue to dialogue with us about where we want to take our campus over the next eight years.

Warm regards,

Kimberly Greer, Ph.D.
Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs

January 2017

Thank you all for your participation in the University Strategic Planning Open Fourum, Monday Jan 30th.

November 2016

Dear Campus Community,

I am excited to announce the launch of the process for developing the next strategic plan for Stanislaus State. To lead this initiative, the University Strategic Planning Council (USPC) has been established. Applying a highly consultative approach, the USPC will recommend to the President a new strategic plan that will guide California State University, Stanislaus for the next eight-years, 2017-2025.

Strategic planning provides the campus community a wonderful opportunity to honor our past achievements and to shape our future. This document will frame our mission, vision, values, and commitments. We want to share our unique story, our way!

This fall and upcoming spring, USPC will consult with campus and community constituent groups through meetings, scheduled campus open forums, and electronic media.

Your participation is extremely valuable.  We encourage you to think boldly and share your thoughts about strategic directions for realizing our goals and objectives for Stan State.

Visit the Strategic Planning website for more information and updates. The feedback form is also available for you to let us know your creative ideas for the future of our University.


Ellen Junn

Updated: April 02, 2024