Process and Participation
Building on a decade of success in strategic planning at California State University, Stanislaus, President Hamid Shirvani invited the campus community to join together in commitment and action for moving the university to the next level of accomplishment and excellence. A strategic planning forum assembled 28 faculty, staff, students, administrators, and community members for a two-day strategic planning session, February 2-3, 2006.
As a means to assess the University's current strategic position, the strategic planning forum began with an examination of institutional research data, the results of environmental scans, and college academic program plans, followed by a frank discussion of University's strengths and weaknesses, threats and opportunities. The focus then shifted to the future. A conceptual framework emerged from the strategic planning forum, a thematic unity that framed the future of California State University, Stanislaus in ways that preserve its traditions and essential character a historic devotion to students through strong faculty-student interaction, access, first generation, regional service, and above all, a commitment to excellence in teaching and learning.
After the forum, a small writing group, comprised of faculty and administration, drafted the Plan consistent with the framework and actions identified during the strategic planning discussions. This draft Plan identified three institutional priorities, supported by twenty-three strategic action and methods, for demonstrating effectiveness and quality.
Process from Draft to Implementation
This draft strategic plan will be deliberated by the campus community, after which it revised as necessary-- will be submitted for endorsement by the Academic Senate and approval by the President. After this endorsement and approval, the Plan will guide the University's actions for the next five years; colleges and divisions will be expected to align their own priorities and plans with it. Under the leadership of the Provost, and with monitoring by the President and the President's Cabinet, implementation should begin with the 2006-07 academic year.
The budgetary process will be redesigned to ensure a direct link to the strategic plan and the allocation of specific revenue sources to support the stated priorities. Similarly, the Office of Institutional Research will provide ongoing assessment of the strategic actions, and campus leaders will provide annual reports to the President about the effectiveness of the actions and the quality of outcomes. Each element of the Plan will be fully implemented in the next five years. The Provost will summarize accomplishments and assessment outcomes for presentation to the campus community.
Forum Participants
The following campus and community members participated in the strategic planning forum:
- Bill Ahlem, Member, Foundation Board of Trustees
- June Boffman, Interim Dean, College of Arts Letters and Sciences
- Wanda Bonnell, Academic Advisor, Educational Opportunity Program
- David Dauwalder, Provost and Vice President for Academic Affairs
- Scott Davis, Assistant Professor, Department of English
- Diana Demetrulias, Vice Provost
- Amin Elmallah, Dean, College of Business Administration
- Dianne Gagos, Vice President, Foundation Board of Trustees
- Randall Harris, Associate Professor, Management, Operations, and Marketing
- Jennifer Helzer, Associate Professor, Anthropology and Geography
- Kathleen Hidalgo, Administrative Support Coordinator, Advanced Studies in Education
- James Koelewyn, Consultant, Information Technology
- Andrew LaFlamme, Student, Vice President-External of the Associated Students, Inc.
- Timothy Mahoney, Assistant Professor, Teacher Education
- Ken McCall, Alumnus
- Chelsea Minor, Student, President of the Associated Students, Inc.
- Cynthia Morgan, Dean, Stockton Center
- Stacey Morgan-Foster, Vice President for Student Affairs
- Mildred Murray-Ward, Dean, College of Education
- Gary Novak, Professor, Psychology and Child Development
- Paul O'Brien, Professor, Sociology
- Al Petrosky, Speaker of the Faculty, Associate Professor, Management, Operations, and Marketing
- Roger Pugh, Assistant Vice President, Enrollment Management Services
- Bill Ruud, Vice President, Development and University Relations
- John Sarraille, Professor, Computer Science
- Ham Shirvani, President
- Mary Stephens, Vice President, Business and Finance
- My Lo Thao, Assistant Professor, Biological Sciences
Updated: April 02, 2024