Why Risk Management?
In an effort to promote safe partnerships, Stanislaus State has developed a risk management policy that outlines the steps that faculty, students, and community members must follow to ensure a safe and positive community engagement experience.
All Placements Sites are Required...
- to be listed on Stan Serves S4
- And have a completed safety questionnaire by a site representative
All students in Academic Internships or Service Learning must do the following forms:
- A Learning Plan with Participation Guidelines
- General Liability Wavier
These forms are to be filled out online at the Stan Serves S4 website. You cannot start your placement activity until these forms are completed and signed.
- Under 18 years old? You will need to complete the Liability Waiver online and print a copy to obtain your parent's or guardian's signature. The wavier must be turned into your instructor and forwarded to the Office of Service Learning when completed.

Time Tracking
Most faculty require you to track your time. There are many ways this can be done, two we have are the following:
- Stan Serves S4 Timelogs
- Guide for S4 Timelogs
- Guide for S4 Timelogs
- Paper Time Tracker
For all academic internships, you will need to complete the University documents listed above PRIOR to beginning your hours. Additionally, the instructor may ask you to keep a written record of your work and participate in academic assignments and activities involving your internship experience.
Certain internship courses may also require additional paperwork that you need to complete for your internship course in addition to the documents listed above. Please see your internship faculty instructor for details.
Students who will be "Research Assistants" in PSYC 4940: Field Work in Psychology must also complete the following: Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative (CITI) program ethics training.
If you are not enrolled in a service learning course or an academic internship, you can still gain valuable professional experiences and life skills by volunteering or interning on your own in our community.
If you would like information on potential volunteer experiences in the local community without receiving course credit, please contact the Office of Service Learning at 209-667-3311 or email Julie Fox at jfox@csustan.edu for a list of local non-profits in the area.
For information about non-academic internships please visit the Career & Professional Development Center.
Updated: June 06, 2023