Star Staff Innovation Award of Excellence

Ms. Breanna McIntyre, an administrative specialist in the Office of Service Learning, was the 2023 recipient of the Star Staff Innovation Award of Excellence. This award recognizes staff that use creativity and innovation to streamline and/or improve business processes and services to students and the campus community.
Student Empowerment Award 2019

Ms. Julie Fox, Director of the Office of Service Learning, was the 2019 recipient of the Student Empowerment Award. The Student Empowerment Award recognizes faculty, administration, or staff who demonstrated the greatest commitment and service to developing student leadership on campus or in the community.
President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll

The President's Higher Education Community Service Honor Roll recognizes institutions of higher education that support exemplary, innovative, and effective community service programs. California State University, Stanislaus has been honored for this prestigious award over the past ten years: 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2013 and 2015. Additionally, our campus received this award with Distinction in 2010, 2012, and 2014. The 2014 year with Distinction was awarded for the areas of General Education, Economic Opportunity, and Education.
The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching: 2008 and 2015

In 2008, Stanislaus State was one of only eight campuses in the California State University system that received the honor of being added to the Carnegie Foundation's Community Engagement Elective Classification which recognizes curricular and community connection activities by the nation's higher education institutions. In 2008, Stanislaus State was recognized by the Carnegie Foundation for its outstanding efforts in both Curricular Engagement and Outreach and Partnerships. Stanislaus State received further recognition in 2015 for the elective Community Engagement Classification. In 2015, a total of 361 campuses nationwide were recognized in the Community Engagement Classification.
Indicators of Engagement at Minority-Serving Institutions of Higher Education

With funding from the Carnegie Corporation of New York, Campus Compact (a national coalition of 950 colleges and universities) recognized Stanislaus State in 2005 as a national model of civic and community engagement. With initiatives from the Office of Service Learning, civically engaged programs and the University's role in the community was featured in the Campus Compact publication, One with the Community: Indicators of Engagement at Minority-Serving Institutions.
Richard E. Cone Award - 2006 For Excellence and Leadership in Cultivating Community Partnerships in Higher Education

Ms. Julie Fox, Director of the Office of Service Learning, was the 2006 recipient of this prestigious award from California Campus Compact. The Richard E. Cone award honors excellence and leadership in cultivating community partnerships in higher education.
Updated: June 21, 2024