Bio Ag
The Bio-Ag Field Site serves as an outdoor laboratory and field site on the Stanislaus State campus for observation, demonstration, and experimentation relating to the permaculture approach to sustainable land use and environmental planning. The Bio-Ag Dome is home to Geography's Dry Soil Lab. For more information, please email Dr. Avwunudiogba.

Cartography Lab Archive
Cartography Lab Archive - The Geography Program maintains a collection of teaching maps, with special emphasis on central California. For more information, please email Dr. Hauselt.

Center for Applied Spatial Analysis
Center for Applied Spatial Analysis (CASA) offers geospatial consulting services to the campus and regional community, serving as a conduit for outreach to our larger community. CASA coordinates internships, facilitates grant development and conducts projects in partnership with campus and community members. For more information, please email the Co-Directors of CASA Dr. Díaz-Garayúa and Dr. McNally

Field Experiences
Stanislaus State Geography hosts Field Experiences during summer, spring break, and some winter terms. Earn college credit and fulfill GE requirements while exploring our world. Spring 2019 we will host GEOG 4700 - Geographic Landscapes & Processes. Open to Stan State students and the general public through UEE For more information, please email Dr. McNally.

GIS Instructional Lab
The Stanislaus State GIS Instructional Lab supports teaching, research, and community projects with the use of geotechnologies including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) (i.e., ArcGIS Pro), Remote Sensing (i.e., ERDAS Imagine) and statistical software (SPSS), global positioning systems (Garmin), and the possibility to integrate smartphones technology. For more information, please email Dr. Díaz-Garayúa.
Updated: July 10, 2023