1977 Field Trip to Point Reyes, CA. Students with Professor Robert Kent (leaning over the map) and past department chair, professor Mel Aamodt (far right side of photo).

2018 Field Methods, Monterey to Point Reyes. Students with Dr. Alison McNally (far left side of photo) and Dr. José Díaz-Garayúa (far right side of photo).
The Geography & Environmental Resources, B.S. is one of the few degrees that comfortably bridges Humanities, Social Sciences, and Natural Sciences. Geography & Environmental Resources is the ideal major for students interested in solving real-world environmental and social problems. The program provides students with the skills and academic framework needed to help create a more sustainable and just future. Students who complete the program are well prepared to advance to graduate school or to enter the work world where they are increasingly likely to find rewarding jobs. Geography Environmental Resources graduates work in a variety of fields including urban and regional planning, GIS analysis, water resources, environmental education, environmental analysis, climatology, transportation, resource management, marketing, natural hazards, tourism, international business, government agencies, and non-governmental organizations. The demand for geographical information science skills is increasing in all areas of the economy. According to the US Dept. of Labor, geospatial technologies are one of the top three areas of job growth in the next decade. Learn more about the major.
Updated: December 11, 2023