Campus Safety Plan 2025

Availability and Location of Law Enforcement Assistance or Crime Reporting

Turlock Campus

Telephone Assistance:

  • Emergency: 9-1-1
  • University Police: (209) 667-3911

Emergency Blue Light Call Stations:

  • A 9-1-1, 24-hour, button activated, emergency telephone system will put you in contact with emergency personnel for any emergency need. There are 25 call stations located throughout the Turlock Campus, including residential housing.

In Person Assistance:

The University Police Department is located in the Campus Services Building on Merced Way on the northwest corner of the Turlock Campus.

Stockton Campus

Telephone Assistance:

  • Emergency: 9-1-1
  • Securitas Security: (209) 993-3469
  • Stockton Police: (209) 937-8377

In Person Assistance:

The Stockton Police Department is located at 22 E. Market Street, Stockton, CA, 95202.

Emergency Alert Hotline

The Emergency Alert Hotline 1-877-STAN-411 (1-877-782-6411) for both campuses is a recorded message with information related to immediate emergencies that may be happening on either campus. The message may contain information related to building closures, employee/work status information, and campus closures.

Enforcement and Arrest Authority

Peace Officers of Stanislaus State have state-wide police authority and jurisdiction per CA Penal Code Sec. 830.2 and CA Education Code Sec. 89560, and are vested with law enforcement powers and responsibilities, identical to the local police or sheriff departments in your home community. Stockton Police Department has primary jurisdiction for the safety and security of the Stockton Campus. The Stockton Police Department can be reached 24 hours a day by telephone at (209) 937-8377.  In addition, private security is provided for the Stockton Campus community during normal business hours. Private security maintains foot patrol across the campus and can be reached during campus business hours, Monday – Thursday, from 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m., and on Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., at (209) 401-6931. The 24- hour security patrol telephone number is (209) 993-3469.

Crime Reporting

The campus community (in both Turlock and Stockton) is strongly encouraged to report all known or suspected incidents of criminal activity on campus to law enforcement as soon as possible. When calling law enforcement always:

  • Give your name, telephone number, and location.
  • Give clear and accurate information.
  • Be prepared to supply suspect and vehicle description, and direction.

Special Safeguards For Facilities or Activities

Security of and Access to Campus Facilities

All campus facilities are key or key-card accessed, and most are open daily for scheduled campus community use. The University’s Housing and Residential Life Complex is gated and accessible by key card for the gates and resident rooms. Campus key control and distribution is a function of the University’s Facilities Services Department. To provide for the security of campus facilities, the University Police Department enforces CA Educational Code Sec. 89031 and University Housing Policies. Campus facility access may be revoked per CA Penal Code Sec. 626. Non-monitored security cameras are located in various buildings throughout the Turlock Campus.

Security Considerations Used in Maintenance of Campus Facilities

Regular inspections and security surveys of campus indoor/outdoor lighting, shrubbery, and walkways are conducted. The University participates in crime prevention through environmental design concepts for planning and improvements on campus.

Special Event Safety Planning

Preparation for large events on campus involves the creation of Incident Action Plans according to the Standardized Emergency Management System and in collaboration with mutual aid agencies and contracted safety personnel.

New Student Orientations

The University Police Department’s personnel provide personal safety tips and emergency contact information to new students on a regular basis. Students are informed of policies, voluntary confidential crime reporting procedures, and safety programs.

New Employee Orientations

Throughout the year the University’s Police Department and Safety & Risk Management personnel present safety policies and procedures to new employees, in cooperation with the University’s Human Resources Department. Employees are informed of injury and illness prevention, workplace violence, safety programs, and voluntary confidential crime reporting procedures.

Actions in the Last 18 Months to Increase Safety

  • Safety & Risk Management led a functional exercise response drill at the Student Health Center that involved use of a situation cell to mimic communications with the Stanislaus County Public Health Department and other external agencies and campus departments, activation of the Student Health Center's Emergency Response Plan, and included participation from an external evaluator.
  • COVID-19 notifications have been provided to the campus community through an automated notification system to prevent disease transmission.
  • Multiple campus communications were provided and web pages frequently updated to inform about overall respiratory virus activity, COVID-19 vaccines and testing, and locations for medical assistance.
  • University Police Department presented Active Threat Training and Situational Awareness Training open to the entire campus community at the start of the fall semester and provided additional department-specific trainings upon request.
  • The Dean of Students Office coordinated outreach and education on the new systemwide Time, Place, and Manner policies, training approximately 300 students, staff, and faculty. Printed materials were also developed to ensure free-speech protections and campus safety.
  • New Title IX educator position established to work closely with Student Affairs for education and outreach, particularly focusing on high-risk populations.
  • Safety & Risk Management coordinated on-campus Incident Command System (ICS) training for Stanislaus State Emergency Operations Center staff, including:
    • ICS/EOC Interface
    • Intermediate ICS for Expanding Incidents
    • Advanced ICS: Command and General Staff-Complex Incidents
    • Advanced ICS/Intro to EOC
    • EOC Management & Operations
    • EOC Section Overview/Management
    • EOC Section Overview/Logistics
    • EOC Section Overview/Planning

Student Affairs

The Dean of Students Office (part of Student Affairs) coordinated outreach and education on the new systemwide Time, Place, and Manner policies, training approximately 300 students, staff, and faculty. Printed materials were also developed to ensure free-speech protections and campus safety. A team of professionals also were trained to monitor free-speech events to work in partnership with law enforcement. The Dean of Students Office also worked with Human Resources to develop a position description for a new Title IX educator who will work closely with Student Affairs to conduct education and outreach, particularly focusing on high-risk populations.

University Police

University Police Department presented Active Threat Training and Situational awareness Training open to the entire campus community at the start of the fall semester and have provided additional department specific trainings across campus on request.

Human Resources, Equal Opportunity, and Compliance

COVID-19 notifications have been provided to the campus community through an automated notification system to prevent disease transmission.

Planned Changes in Safety Precautions During The Next 24 Months

University Police and Safety & Risk Management

  • Installation of an enclosed bicycle parking structure with card access and video surveillance to promote alternative modes of transportation and reduce the chance of bike theft.
  • Installation of outdoor security cameras at University Circle, the Quad, and the Amphitheater to deter crime.
  • Installation of two new blue lights, one at the Student Health Center, and one at the Warrior Arena, that incorporate 360 video surveillance for added outdoor visibility.
  • University Police will continue to provide both open and department specific Active Threat and Situational Awareness Training each semester.

Student Affairs

Student Affairs will increase educational outreach, including alcohol and other drugs, hazing, Title IX, and freedom of expression activities.

University Police

UPD was awarded a Cal OES grant specific to MSR for safety and security. These measures will include enhancing cameras in the area along with additional access readers and lockdown devices.

California State University, Stanislaus Statistical Report 2024

The report is a separate and distinct report from the Annual Security Report (ASR) required under the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (the Clery Act). The ASR can be found online at Clery Safety Reports webpage.

Records Of On-Campus Crime (CA Education Code Sec. 67380(a)(1)(A)

California State University campuses are required by CA Education Code Sec. 67380(a)(1)(A) to compile records of all occurrences reported to campus police, campus security personnel, or campus safety authorities of, and arrests for, crimes that are committed on campus and that involve violence, hate violence, theft, destruction of property, illegal drugs, or alcohol intoxication, and to make this information available within two business days if requested by students, prospective students, employees, or the media. If you wish to request crime information, please contact the University’s Clery Director, Jessica Ettell Irvine, at

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Updated: January 08, 2025