Evacuation of Campus Buildings or Entire Campus
The evacuation of campus buildings or the entire campus may be required due to emergency situations occurring on or near the campus. Campus emergency planning facilitates evacuations will be conducted systematically, controlled, and in a planned manner.
The building evacuation plan for California State University, Stanislaus consists of a partnership between the University Police Department, Capital Planning & Facilities Management and individual volunteer building "Building Marshals" and "Evacuation Monitors".
Specific Instructions to Building Occupants
- Safely walk to the nearest exit and go to an evacuation gathering area away from the building, then wait for further instructions
- Stay out of the way of emergency personnel and vehicles and follow instructions
- Immediately notify University Police Department or other emergency response personnel if you know of a disabled or injured person needing assistance.
If you have a disability or access and functional need, it is essential that you establish a “buddy system” and educate them regarding the type of assistance needed to evacuate during an emergency or disaster.
View: Evacuation Gathering Areas Maps
Campus-Wide Evacuation
A controlled approach will be used when it is necessary to completely evacuate the campus due to an emergency. When campus buildings are deemed safe for occupants, employees will be held at their current locations pending evacuation. The Evacuation Gathering Area system will be used where campus buildings are deemed unsafe.
The Stockton Campus evacuation plan involves a partnership between University Police, Grupe Commercial Services, Securitas, and faculty and staff. Building Marshal and Evacuation Monitors, with Grupe and Securitas's assistance, shall coordinate the evacuation process.
Following the decision of an evacuation order for the Turlock campus or Stockton Campus, the University President or his/her representative shall notify:
- Chief of Police or his/her representative for crowd, traffic and perimeter control
- University Public Information Officer or designee for the need of public information sharing regarding the incident and asking the campus community to stay away from campus
Localized Evacuation
In some situations, evacuating one or more buildings on campus may be necessary due to a localized emergency. When this occurs, the University Police Department will coordinate the evacuation with the Building Marshals and Evacuation Monitors. The decision to evacuate will be based on the incident and if needed, following consultation with the President and Dean or Facility Manager. When evacuations are due to an overriding concern for public safety, such consultations may not be possible. In those instances, the appropriate Dean or Facility Manager will be notified of the evacuation as soon as practical.
Elevator Evacuation
If an elevator becomes inoperable and occupants are trapped inside, telephones and written instructions (also in Braille) to request aid from the University Police Department are inside each elevator. UPD will respond as soon as practical upon receipt of a call of an inoperable elevator where occupants are trapped. UPD will notify Facility Services, coordinating notification and response time with the elevator vendor. The contracted elevator vendor is required to respond when occupants are trapped inside.
Occupants should not attempt to evacuate from an inoperable elevator without trained assistance.
University Police Department
The UPD is responsible for the overall evacuation of campus and serves as the focal point in any emergency or assistance and coordinating outside services as delineated in the Emergency Operations Plan.
The UPD also serves as the recipient of the evacuation status of each building, as reported by the Building Marshals. The UPD will direct outside resources for Search and Rescue assistance as needed.
Facilities Services
Facility Services may respond during an emergency and assist the UPD with security and communication at campus entry/exit points. Facilities personnel may assist with disseminating printed information relating to an emergency, assist with facility maintenance needs and provide ongoing support for ongoing recovery efforts.
Building Marshal
Building Marshals’ are responsible for obtaining the evacuation status of their building in terms of assistance needed, building status or any other critical information requiring law enforcement support. Building Marshals’ station themselves in designated Emergency Evacuation Gathering Areas to obtain information from their Evacuation Monitors. As soon as the building status is known, they forward the information on to the University Police Department. The Building Marshal’s primary responsibility is gathering information and reporting building status to the UPD. They are not responsible for active search and rescue or performing any type of building remediation.
The Stockton Campus Building Marshal must notify the City of Stockton emergency personnel as soon as they know the status of evacuation individuals. Evacuations at the Stockton Campus are also aided by contracted security services trained in emergency response and will assist with security and communication at the Stockton Campus perimeter entry/exit points. Security associates may assist with ongoing support for recovery
Evacuation Monitors
The Evacuation Monitors are responsible for the safe and timely evacuation of all building occupants. They direct occupants towards safe exits and redirect occupants to secondary exits as necessary. Upon arrival at their designated Emergency Evacuation Gathering Area, they are responsible for quickly checking rooms and reporting any D/AFN assistance needs to the Building Marshal. The Evacuation Monitor’s primary responsibility is to evacuate building occupants and relay assistance needs to the Building Marshal. They are not responsible for active search and rescue or performing any type of building remediation.
During evening hours, faculty are instructed to act as evacuation monitors and assist with evacuations at the Turlock and Stockton campuses.
Building Occupants
Building occupants are advised to safely walk to the nearest exit and go to the designated Emergency Evacuation Gathering Area away from the building then wait for further instructions. Individuals should not block exits or emergency vehicle routes. All evacuees are requested to immediately notify emergency responders or a Building Marshal if an injured or disabled person needs assistance evacuating.
Evacuation of Individuals with a Disability and others with Access and Functional Needs
Evacuating individuals with a disability or other AFNs will be prioritized in all emergencies. Individuals with a disability or an AFN are most aware of their specific evacuation needs. It is the responsibility of the individual to plan for emergencies and inform a University Official or employee regarding any needs for accommodation and establish a “buddy system” with coworkers. “Buddies” should educate partners regarding physical, psychological and communication assistance needed to increase their safety during an emergency.
Emergency Response by Disability or other Access and Functional Need
Visual Impairment
Most visually impaired persons will be familiar with their immediate area and may have learned the locations of exits and fire alarms in advance.
- Inform the person of the nature of the emergency and offer to guide him/her towards a safe exit by offering the person to hold your arm lightly above the elbow and walk a one-half step ahead and using verbal instructions such as approaching a curb or stairs etc. Do NOT grasp a visually impaired person as you may injure or further disorient them; always ask how you may assist.
- When you have reached the evacuation gathering area, orient the individual about their location and if additional assistance is needed. Some individuals may have a service animal that may be disoriented during the emergency and require additional assistance.
Deafness or Hearing Loss
To assist a deaf or hard-of-hearing person, you must obtain their attention by moving into their visual field or gently tapping on the person’s shoulder and offering written notes regarding the nature of the emergency and where they should evacuate to.
- People who cannot speak loudly, or with voice/speech impairments, maybe carry a whistle (provided free by the UPD) or have other means of attracting the attention of others.
Mobility Impairments
People with mobility disabilities may experience a more difficult time evacuating due to their mobility equipment, and ambulatory and/or respiratory restrictions. However, their safe evacuation remains a top priority for emergency responders.
- If someone with mobility impairment cannot exit, they should stay visible in an exit corridor or on an outdoor stair landing.
- Evacuation Monitors should relay information regarding people remaining in the building and their location to the Building Marshal, who should notify the University Police or Fire personnel.
- If a person with a mobility impairment is in immediate danger and cannot be moved to a safer area to wait for assistance, it may be necessary for first responders to evacuate them using an evacuation chair, which are available in certain multi-story buildings, or other method.
Updated: October 09, 2023