
  1. Complete the Baccalaureate Degree Requirements. 
  2. Complete the following prerequisites to the major: (6-9 units) 
    A.  Complete G. E. Area A1 by taking: 
    COMM 2000 - Public Speaking3 unit(s) 
    COMM 2005 - Honors Communication Seminar 3 unit(s) 
    COMM 2110 - Group Discussion Processes  3 unit(s) 
    B.  Complete G. E. Area D2 by taking: 
    COMM 2011 - Introduction to Communication Studies 3 unit(s)  
    COMM 2200 - Introduction to Mass Media 3 unit(s) * 
  3. The following is the department recommendation for completing a lower-division G.E. requirement: 
    A. Complete Area A3 by taking: 
    COMM 2300 - Argumentation and Critical Thinking 3 unit(s) 
  4. Complete the major with no fewer than 33 upper-division units, as approved by the major adviser. 
    Majors must take all courses counted toward the major for a letter grade if the letter grade option is available. 
  5. Students must achieve a C- grade or better in all prerequisites to the major. 
  6. Students must achieve a C- grade or better in all courses that count toward fulfilling the requirements for the major. 
  7. Students must achieve an overall average of 2.0 GPA or better in the major. 
  8. Completion of a minor is not required. 

The Major 

(36 units minimum) ** 

Students are reminded to check course descriptions carefully when selecting upper-division courses; enrollment may require completion of one or more prerequisites. 

  1. Complete the following required upper-division CORE courses (12 units) 
    COMM 3200 - Communication Theory (WP)3 unit(s) 
    COMM 3900 - Applied and Social Scientific Research Methods in Communication3 unit(s)OR 
    COMM 3910 - Critical and Interpretive Research Methods in Communication3 unit(s) 
    COMM 3550 - Media and Public Perception 3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4160 - Intercultural Communication3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4900 - Senior Capstone 3 unit(s) (Completion of 3900 or 3910 are pre-requisite to enrollment in 4900; students may co-enroll in 3200 & 4900, but 3200 may not be taken after 4900)
  2. Complete 24 units of upper-division contextual application ELECTIVE courses from the following categories:
    Within each of the four upper-division contextual application elective categories, complete two courses each (6 units); 24 units in total across the elective categories.
    A.  Complete 6 units of upper-division electives from Public Communication & Advocacy.
    COMM 3112 - Radio Production Laboratory 3 unit(s) 
    COMM 3140 - Persuasive Messages3 unit(s)  
    COMM 3150 - Professional Speaking3 unit(s) 
    COMM 3400 - Oral Interpretation of Children's Literature 3 unit(s)
    COMM 4165 - Communication in Global Organizations3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4175 - Activism & Social Movements 3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4500 - Political Communication3 unit(s)  
    B.  Complete 6 units of upper-division electives from Relational & Social Dynamics.
    COMM 3005 - Online Romantic Relationships 3 unit(s)  
    COMM 3100 - Advanced Interpersonal Commun
    ication 3 unit(s)  
    COMM 4040 - Gender Communication3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4050 - Relational Communication3 unit(s)
    COMM 4060 - Family Communication3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4100 - Group Communication3 unit(s)
    COMM 4130 - Communication and Aging3 unit(s)
    COMM 4150 - Nonverbal Communication3 unit(s)
    COMM 4190 - Conflict and Communication3 unit(s)
    C.  Complete 6 units of upper-division electives from Media Studies & Communication Technology.
    COMM 3112 - Radio Production Laboratory 3 unit(s) 
    COMM 3210 - Computer-Mediated Communication 3 unit(s) 
    COMM 3600 - Magazine Editing and Production 3 unit(s) 
    COMM 3620 - Sports Communication3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4140 - Rhetoric of Popular Culture3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4200 - Mass Media Theory and Research 3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4210 - Social Media, Communication, and Society 3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4220 - Technology and Communication 3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4400 - Visual Communication 3 unit(s)  
    D.  Complete 6 units of upper-division electives from Strategic & Professional Communication. 
    COMM 3110 - Organizational Communication3 unit(s) 
    COMM 3120 - Management Communication3 unit(s)
    COMM 3215 - Public Relations 3 unit(s)
    COMM 4020 - Communication in the Classroom3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4110 - Communication Training and Consulting3 unit(s)
    COMM 4115 - Communication for Leadership3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4170 - Professional Interviewing3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4180 - Health Communication3 unit(s) 
    COMM 4215 - Public Relations Campaigns3 unit(s) 

In consultation with your assigned major advisor, students may substitute ONE upper-division COMM prefix course to count toward an elective from any one of the four contextual application categories. 

Updated: July 26, 2024