- Complete the Baccalaureate Degree Requirements.
- Complete the following prerequisites to the major: (6-9 units)
A. Complete G. E. Area A1 by taking:
COMM 2000 - Public Speaking 3 unit(s)
COMM 2005 - Honors Communication Seminar 3 unit(s)
COMM 2110 - Group Discussion Processes 3 unit(s)
B. Complete G. E. Area D2 by taking:
COMM 2011 - Introduction to Communication Studies 3 unit(s)
COMM 2200 - Introduction to Mass Media 3 unit(s) * - The following is the department recommendation for completing a lower-division G.E. requirement:
A. Complete Area A3 by taking:
COMM 2300 - Argumentation and Critical Thinking 3 unit(s) - Complete the major with no fewer than 33 upper-division units, as approved by the major adviser.
Majors must take all courses counted toward the major for a letter grade if the letter grade option is available. - Students must achieve a C- grade or better in all prerequisites to the major.
- Students must achieve a C- grade or better in all courses that count toward fulfilling the requirements for the major.
- Students must achieve an overall average of 2.0 GPA or better in the major.
- Completion of a minor is not required.
The Major
(36 units minimum) **
Students are reminded to check course descriptions carefully when selecting upper-division courses; enrollment may require completion of one or more prerequisites.
- Complete the following required upper-division CORE courses (12 units)
COMM 3200 - Communication Theory (WP) 3 unit(s)
COMM 3900 - Applied and Social Scientific Research Methods in Communication 3 unit(s) OR
COMM 3910 - Critical and Interpretive Research Methods in Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 3550 - Media and Public Perception 3 unit(s)
COMM 4160 - Intercultural Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 4900 - Senior Capstone 3 unit(s) (Completion of 3900 or 3910 are pre-requisite to enrollment in 4900; students may co-enroll in 3200 & 4900, but 3200 may not be taken after 4900) - Complete 24 units of upper-division contextual application ELECTIVE courses from the following categories:
Within each of the four upper-division contextual application elective categories, complete two courses each (6 units); 24 units in total across the elective categories.
A. Complete 6 units of upper-division electives from Public Communication & Advocacy.
COMM 3112 - Radio Production Laboratory 3 unit(s)
COMM 3140 - Persuasive Messages 3 unit(s)
COMM 3150 - Professional Speaking 3 unit(s)
COMM 3400 - Oral Interpretation of Children's Literature 3 unit(s)
COMM 4165 - Communication in Global Organizations 3 unit(s)
COMM 4175 - Activism & Social Movements 3 unit(s)
COMM 4500 - Political Communication 3 unit(s)
B. Complete 6 units of upper-division electives from Relational & Social Dynamics.
COMM 3005 - Online Romantic Relationships 3 unit(s)
COMM 3100 - Advanced Interpersonal Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 4040 - Gender Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 4050 - Relational Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 4060 - Family Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 4100 - Group Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 4130 - Communication and Aging 3 unit(s)
COMM 4150 - Nonverbal Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 4190 - Conflict and Communication 3 unit(s)
C. Complete 6 units of upper-division electives from Media Studies & Communication Technology.
COMM 3112 - Radio Production Laboratory 3 unit(s)
COMM 3210 - Computer-Mediated Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 3600 - Magazine Editing and Production 3 unit(s)
COMM 3620 - Sports Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 4140 - Rhetoric of Popular Culture 3 unit(s)
COMM 4200 - Mass Media Theory and Research 3 unit(s)
COMM 4210 - Social Media, Communication, and Society 3 unit(s)
COMM 4220 - Technology and Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 4400 - Visual Communication 3 unit(s)
D. Complete 6 units of upper-division electives from Strategic & Professional Communication.
COMM 3110 - Organizational Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 3120 - Management Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 3215 - Public Relations 3 unit(s)
COMM 4020 - Communication in the Classroom 3 unit(s)
COMM 4110 - Communication Training and Consulting 3 unit(s)
COMM 4115 - Communication for Leadership 3 unit(s)
COMM 4170 - Professional Interviewing 3 unit(s)
COMM 4180 - Health Communication 3 unit(s)
COMM 4215 - Public Relations Campaigns 3 unit(s)
In consultation with your assigned major advisor, students may substitute ONE upper-division COMM prefix course to count toward an elective from any one of the four contextual application categories.
Updated: July 26, 2024