The General Agriculture Concentration will provide options within the Agriculture major that offer flexibility in the career choice objectives of the students in the Stan State Agriculture Program. This concentration presents the unique opportunity to combine core courses and Upper Division requirements in the major with courses outside the program to fulfill student's educational and career goals. The result is a concentration geared towards specific student objectives, while at the same time, maintaining the integrity of the Bachelor of Science degree in Agriculture.

Requirements for the General Agriculture Concentration include completion of lower division agriculture preparation or equivalent - preferably an A.A. or A.S. degree in Agriculture. In addition, students must meet all requirements for the Agriculture major, and all other university graduation requirements.

Major Upper Division Courses (Minimum 43 units) 

Core Courses (Minimum 22 units). One course from each area.

  • AGEC 4400 Agribusiness Entrepreneurship WP (3)
  • AGST 4450 Research Methods in Agriculture WP (3) 

  • GEOG 4750 Geographic Information Systems (3) 
  • GEOG 4770 Remote Sensing of the Environment (3) 

  • AGST 3950 Tree and Fruit Crop Production and Management (3) 
  • AGST 4070 Agricultural Geography (4) 
  • AGST 4080 Sustainable Agriculture (3) 

  • ECON 4640 Economics and Agriculture (3) 

  • PSCI 4326 Agricultural Policy and Regulations (4) 

  • AGST 3100 Leadership and Labor issues in Agriculture (3) 

  • AGST 4940 Ag Studies Internship (1-4) 

  • Choose courses within any of the Ag Studies Concentrations 

  • Choose one course in Ag/Education 

  • Choose two courses in ag or related fields 

Updated: July 11, 2024