Jul. 23, 2021 - Protocols, Guidance for In-Person Events
- Confirm the date, time, title, description, and thumbnail image for your event
- Schedule the webinar/Zoom/Team Meeting
- Decide whether your event will require attendees to register and establish Zoom settings accordingly or establish another registration mechanism
- See instructions on how to set up registration for Zoom sessions
- Help keep our virtual events secure
- Enter your event into 25Live
- In the location section, search for "Online/Webinar" and ensure the "Hide Conflicts" button is NOT checked, otherwise, this location will not display
- If you are requesting a publication for your event, provide an email or URL in the “registration/more info link” field so people can register for your event
- Assign webinar roles - see the Virtual Event Roles and Responsibilities for help in defining these roles
- Review the Virtual Event Tips for Presenters and Panelists and Virtual Event Tips for Stage Manager and Hosts for additional tips
- If you will have volunteers participating in your event, you must work with the Human Resources Department and submit a Paperless Volunteer Form for approval prior to the performance of volunteer duties
- If guest speakers will be monetarily compensated, you will need to fill out the Guest Lecturer Form
- Meet with panelists to confirm the webinar's structure and content
- Create and send email invitations
- To advertise your event on the University Events Calendar website or Faculty & Staff Digest & Warrior Weekly, submit your request through 25Live 4 weeks prior to the event date and provide an email or URL in the “registration/more info link” field so people can register for your event. Please review the submission guide for full details.
- Arrange plans for live closed captioning or ASL as needed
- Include the following note when promoting the event online or in print material: Persons with disabilities who need accommodations or have questions about access may contact the program sponsoring the event, by phone at (209) 667-3913.
- Finalize your presentations; add poll questions as needed
- Create a Virtual Event Schedule/Agenda
- Host a tech rehearsal to review the event plan and run through any screen shares, presentations, videos, and interactive features.
- Have presenters/panelists do this rehearsal with the setup they will use for the event
- Double-check camera placement, background, lighting, audio, distractions, etc.
- Send an event reminder to attendees
- Share backup copies of screen graphics and presentations with stage managers, hosts, and moderators
- Send attendees a reminder email with the call login information
Contact the University Events Office at (209) 667-3913 with any additional questions, resources, or guidance
Updated: September 07, 2023