Graduate Learning Goals

In 2002, the Graduate Council developed and approved six general student learning goals. The Graduate Council reviewed and revised the Graduate Learning Goals (GLGs) in 2016 to reflect the current direction of Graduate Education at Stanislaus.

To ensure the quality of the advanced programs and student learning experiences, the Graduate Council established six student learning goals for graduate/postbaccalaureate students in master's and doctoral degree programs.

  1. Students will demonstrate advanced knowledge, skills, and values appropriate to the discipline.
  2. Students will demonstrate the ability to be creative, analytical, and critical thinkers within the scope of the discipline.
  3. Students will demonstrate the ability to contribute to the scholarship of their disciplines.
  4. Students will demonstrate relevant knowledge of diverse perspectives and broader contexts as appropriate to the discipline.
  5. Students will demonstrate knowledge of new and various methods and applications as appropriate to the discipline.
  6. Students will be required to demonstrate advanced communication skills, complemented, as appropriate to the discipline, by the ability to access and analyze information from myriad primary, print, and technological sources.

The Graduate Council continually assesses the achievement of these goals using surveys, program reviews, and analyses of student academic performance.

5/AS/16/GC - Graduate Learning Goals in the Faculty Handbook.
Approved by the Academic Senate on April 12, 2016
Approved by President Joseph F. Sheley on May 5, 2016

Graduate Education Assessment 

Graduate Education Learning Goals

Graduate Education Assessment Plan

Graduate Education Reports

Graduate Education Assessment

Graduate Education Graduation Rates

Updated: July 15, 2024